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(English) SIGONGSA delivers the joy of new knowledge beyond time and space. With a child's curious gaze, we make books by pondering what values and knowledge are needed for readers of this era. As a good Book that cover all disciplines, we offer readers a diverse spectrum of knowledge. (Indonesian) Kami adalah penerbit SIGONGSA, penerbit yang menyalurkan kesenangan dari pengetahuan baru tanpa batas ruang dan waktu. Dengan rasa ingin tahu yang tinggi, Kami membuat buku yang mempertimbangkan nilai dan pengetahuan yang dibutuhkan oleh para pembaca generasi saat ini. Kami berupaya untuk menyediakan spektrum dari berbagai pengetahuan dengan variasi buku dari berbagai bidang kepada para pembaca. (Vietnamese) Công ty xây dựng mang đến niềm vui của những kiến ​​thức mới vượt qua giới hạn thời gian và không gian. Với cái nhìn hiếu kì của trẻ thơ chúng tôi tạo ra những cuốn sách bằng cách cân nhắc giá trị và kiến ​​thức vào là cần thiết cho độc giả của thời đại ngay nay. Đồng thời cung cấp cho độc giả hệ thống kiến thức đa dạng từ các tác phẩm, ấn phẩm phương Tây gồm nhiều lĩnh vực.

Hyae-myung Lee


Featured Works

Code Name S

Time to Read a Lecture

Stopover in Helsinki

Yomu, the One-Hundred-Year-Old Cat

Why? x 100

An Eye of an Engineer

A Child's Food Tray

A Round-the-World Trip to Visit National Artists

The Art of Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs

The Island of Crying Bamboo

How Shall We Eat This?

An Empty House

Going for a short while

Night of the Broken Moon

Learning to Listen : A Psychology Class to Help Us Move

Every Moment, Like a Stroll


I Don't Want To

Daily Humanities Study

Code Name: K

Just a Mom

My Stray Cat Yangsoon

When You Need Art in Life

The House in the Gwanghwamun Alley


Webtoon School

The Clown Who Loved the Mermaid

I’ll Find You on a Beautiful Day

Hold on a Minute While I Save the World

Datbyeol the Wind Wolf

Hello: The Kakao Friends Coloring Book

Cup? Cup!

The Multiple Languages of Mom

The Day of Salvation

A Girl Born on a Train

Code Name H


I Love Myself Nonetheless

Five Balloons

The Pen


Unexpected Season

What Photography Wants to Say

Japanese Food Talk

Kitty Kitty

Wise Words

We All Have Our Own Rhythm

Worker's Words

Here Comes the Black Dog

Hoo Hoo

The Day of Kidnapping

Paintings Revisited

Escaping Recession

Market Day

Chips and Dips

Hello Salad! From Dressing

How to Grow into an Adult Slowly

Today, I Told My Wife about My Depression

The Man Who Knows Me

La Belle Epoque

Everyday Life at the Convenience Store

Some kid lived here and other stories

People with the Same Neighbors

Women’s Clothing Hasn’t Been Made Yet

On the Bus

"Secrets to Winning Hearts without Words "

How to be a Freelance without Losing Yourself

Mr. Red Fox

My Family Has Decided to Live in a Forest

Psychiatry, Curing Your Mind

The Age of Aegean sea

Animals That Eat Meat

To You who are Still Swayed

The Three Glasses



Running Investigators

A Piece of Mind, A Flower

My Love, Rome

Lifestyle Medicine: Healthy Habit Prescription

Photograph Reading

Go Around and Around, In the End, It Is a Rock (Neverland Nature School)

Wonderous Soil World (Neverland Nature School)

Poo War


Bonjour: The Games of French Children

Two Men's Night as Detectives

The Tools of Screenwriting: For Korean Writers

Along the Walk: Seoul
