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How Shall We Eat This?
: (Russian) Как бы это вкуснее съесть?


Kim Seulkee




Picture Books


3~5 years old
6~8 years old

Overseas Licensing


  • #Friendship
  • #waiting
  • #patience
  • #sharing
  • #Korean Picture Books Recognized by the World

Copyright Contact

Irene Lee

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    230 * 230

A picture book that teaches the meaning of sharing and problem solving skills through a feast of animals

Book Intro

(Russian) Как бы это вкуснее съесть?

Мышка Джвисун находит одну ягодку клубники и начинает размышлять, как бы вкуснее ее съесть. И она решает испечь торт, который она и украсит этой ягодой. Но оказывается, что это не так-то и просто. Тогда мышка созывает своих друзей, и они вместе выпекают огромный клубничный торт.


(English) How Shall We Eat This?

A picture book that describes the process of baking bread and the happy anticipation of waiting for it. A mouse with red clothes finds a strawberry. ""How shall we eat this?"" After some thought, the mouse decides to bake bread with a strawberry on top. He wears an apron and pours out some flour. But by mistake, he pours too much. ""It's alright, it's alright! There is always a way!"" With the help of a duck, the mouse brings a bigger bowl for the flour. Now they need more milk and eggs. Then, a monkey helps the mouse to find more eggs and milk. If the mouse puts in too much baking powder, he adds more flour. If the dough gets too big to knead, they find a bigger kneader. When they find that their oven is not big enough to bake their bread, their elephant neighbor suggests they use his oven. Like that, whenever he faces problems, the mouse says  ""It's alright, it's alright! There is always a way!"" and finds solutions with his friends. Finally, the strawberry bread is ready to eat, and animal friends happily share the bread.

How Shall We Eat This?

Oh, let’s make some bread!

Shall we begin?

Oops, I knocked over the flour.

It’s alright, it’s alright! There’s always a way.

We have too much flour, but not enough eggs or milk.

Oops, now there’s too much baking soda.

It’s hard to make the dough with such a small kneader.

Our oven is too small! Can we bake our dough with our oven?

Wait, wait! Mmm. It smells so good!

It’s all done! One, two, three!


Let’s eat together. Oops, wait a second!

Whew, I almost forgot something very important. The strawberry on top!

About the Author

Kim Seulkee

(Russian) Автор окончила университет "Хоник" по специальности керамика, затем обучалась в Японии в школе дизайна DIC COLOR по специальности дизайн цвета и психология цвета. Она написала и иллюстрировала Среди ее книг "Как бы это вкуснее съесть?", "С чем бы поиграть?", "Пройдемся по влажной лесной дорожке", "Момо и Тото". Получила главный премия на конкурсие Энтони Брауна, специальный премия на конкурсе Нами. Книгой "Момо и Тото" автор выдвигалась на "Лучшего иллюстратора года" иллюстрированную книгу на Болонской книжной ярмарке.


(Indonesian) Penulis mengambil jurusan seni tembikar di Hongik University dan mempelajari desain warna juga psikologi di  DIC COLOR Design School Jepang. Ia memenangkan hadiah utama di kontes buku gambar Anthony Brown pada tahun 2012, dan mendapatkan penghargaan khusus di Nami Concours pada tahun 2013. Pada tahun 2019, ia terpilih mendapat penghargaan "Ilustrator tahun ini" di Bolognia International Children's Book Fair 2019 atas karyanya yang berjudul 《Momo dan Toto》.


(English) Kim majored in pottery at Hong-ik University and studied design at DIC Color Design School in Japan. She was Illustrator of the Year at the 2019 Bologna Children's Book Fair. Kim is the author of A Strawberry; A Line; and Let's Walk on the Wet Summer Trail in the Woods. She also illustrated books including Four Seasons in Violet Village, and I Slept with a Caterpillar.



(Russian) 2013 г. - особая премия конкурса Нами

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