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Yomu, the One-Hundred-Year-Old Cat


Nam Geunyoung

Choi Miran




Picture Books


3~5 years old
6~8 years old

Overseas Licensing


  • #picture books
  • #companion animals
  • #family

Copyright Contact

Irene Lee

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    250 * 255

A warm tale about how Yomu, the cat, goes from being a pet to a true companion to people who love and rely on her.

Book Intro

Yeongji is living with her grandmother, instead of her mother, for a period of time. A fat cat comes to her grandmother’s house every day to eat. Yoengji’s grandmother calls the cat a strange little thing, but Yeongji thinks of the cat as her pet. She takes the cat on her way to play with her friends, and ends up naming the cat “Yomu.” One day, Yeongji’s grandmother falls ill with a severe cold, and Yomu comes to pay a visit at night, like the strange little thing it is, according to Yeongji’s grandmother. Yeongji, who has been watching over her grandmother by herself, invites Yomu inside, and snuggling together under a blanket, they fall asleep. A few days later, Yomu gives birth to four kittens, and Yeongji’s grandmother, though she acts indifferent, boils a hen to feed Yomu. The children in the neighborhood come to see the kittens, and Yeongji happily welcomes the kittens into the family

About the Author

Nam Geunyoung

As a student, Nam Geun-Young loved the Japanese illustrators Nara Yoshitomo and Chihiro Iwasaki, who influenced her to study Japanese in college. Even as an adult full of worries and concerns, she always found comfort in picture books and dreamed of being a picture book writer herself. Yomu, the One-Hundred-Year-Old Cat is the result of her wish to write a story that can be read for fun, at ease, without a heavy underlying message.

Choi Miran

(English) Choi Miran studied Industrial Design at the University of Seoul and worked as a graphic designer. Being drawn to drawing, she went to study illustrations at graduate school and has been illustrating for children’s books. Whenever she finishes a picture book, she cleans her entire house. She works at home, and while she is working, she does not have time to clean. Choi loves the comforting feeling of laying in her bed after cleaning up her desk, her room, and her house which has been full of dust, dirt, and garbage. 

Choi was the winner of the BolognaRagazzi Award in fiction. She writes and illustrates at her house that overlooks a children’s park. Choi has illustrated many children’s books including Is Somebody Here?, The Tiger That Was Taken by the Death Angel, Seokguram, the Stone House, How the Superhero Washes His Poo, Talking Horses, A Child Who Lived for Three Hundred Years, Gupbo Manbo, The Zoo of Letters, and writes the picture books of How to Take Care of My House and We Are the House Keepers!


(Chinese) 在首尔市立大学学习产业设计,毕业后成为一名图形设计师。对画画产生了兴趣,所以进入研究生院学习画插图,并从事童书绘制工作至今。每当结束一本画册,都会对家里进行大扫除。平时在家里画画和生活,但工作期间不能经常打扫卫生。非常喜欢彻底清扫满是灰尘、污垢、垃圾的房间、书桌之后,躺在床上的那种舒适感。曾获博洛尼亚国际儿童书展拉加齐奖虚构类优秀奖。在可以俯瞰儿童公园的家里写作和画画。已为《有人吗?》《被阴间使者抓走的老虎》《用石头盖的房子——石窟庵》《超级英雄的擦屎法》《马生活的国家》《三百的七日葬》《胆小鬼晚报》《文字动物园》等多本童书绘制插图,个人创作绘本有《家庭收纳整理法》和《我们是家庭守护者》。

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