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I’ll Find You on a Beautiful Day
: (Vietnamese) Trời đẹp em sẽ đến






Literature & Fiction



Overseas Licensing

Chinese, Taiwanese, Indian


  • #memory
  • #love story
  • #winter
  • #forgiveness

Copyright Contact

Hyae-myung Lee

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    123 * 194

The book is about a story that people who care about each other finally talk to one another about what they have not been able to say.

Book Intro

I’ll Find You on a Beautiful Day

“There is only one reason I like the winter. It is because the leaves obscuring the windows fall away, and your windows come into view.”

In Lee Dowoo’s novel I’ll Find You on a Beautiful Day, Haewon quits her job as an art teacher and decides to live with her aunt, who is managing a pension named Hodu House. Haweon finds out that an old couple’s tilted-roof house has been replaced with a place called "Goodnight Bookstore" and wonders what has happened. “A bookstore in this rural area?”

Eunseob who is working at a skating rink near rice paddies notices Haewon peeping through the closed bookstore owned by him. In his memory, she was the one who once casually asked him about the name of a marshmallow plant in a winter field.

About the Author


(Vietnamese) Tiểu thuyết gia. Tốt nghiệp Khoa sáng tác văn học tại Đại học Chungang và làm việc với tư cách nhà văn, người viết quảng cáo cho các chương trình radio.  Bà  đã viết tác phẩm "Bức thừ từ hòm thư số 110'  miêu tả một câu chuyện tình yêu cô đơn và tuyệt vọng, tác phẩm "Hãy mạc áo ngủ nhé" miêu tả sự trưởng thành và những kỉ niệm đẹp đẽ. Cái nhìn ấm áp độc đáo và phong cách trữ tình sâu lắng của tác giả được nhiều độc giả yêu thích, và được đánh giá là "cuốn sách muốn đọc thật lâu và thật kĩ".


(English) She is a novelist, who graduated from the Department of Creative Writing at Chung-Ang University, and worked as a radio writer and copywriter. she wrote "Mail in Mailbox No. 110" about a lonely and gloomy love story, and "Wear a Pajamas" about beautiful growth and memories. With the artist's unique warm gaze and deep, lyrical style, it is loved by numerous readers and is regarded as a 'book that I want to read slowly and cherish for a long time'.


(Indonesian) Seorang novelis, lulus dari Departemen Penulisan Kreatif di Universitas Chung-Ang, bekerja sebagai penulis komposisi dan copywriter. Ia menulis sebuah novel tentang kisah cinta yang kesepian dan mendebarkan dari penulis radio Gong Jin-sol dan produser Lee berjudul Kotak surat kamar no. 110, dia juga menulis tentang ingatan dan perkembangan kakak adik yang berjudul Kenakan piyama, dan novel Aku akan pergi jika cuaca bagus yang bercerita tentang toko buku kecil di sebuah rumah tua yang ada di desa pelosok.


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