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Alma Book was established in June 2006 as an imprint of Munhakdongne, in an attempt to open a new horizon in the field of humanities publishing to search for a new middle path between purely academic texts and commercial books, as well as between densely heavy tomes and light, airy fare. Since its founding, the publishing house has worked to introduce fun, joyful publications that are nevertheless rich in humanities knowledge, information, and culture.

Park Jinhee

Featured Works

The Night Is Long and Painful


Umori Sky Shoes


The Dragon of Malice and Terror Is One All Too Well Known

Those Who Read Evil Minds

Rootless Stars

The Second Nanny

Song of Stars

Alien Gods

Leave without Worries

The Sea of Epidemic

Please Come Down to a Low Place

Seventh Day of the Seventh Moon

Sunlight Tenant

A Burning Swamp Outside / Trapped in a Psychiatric Hospital

The Note for revolution

You Open Me Up and Stir Me to the Bottom

A Person Who Waits for Chopin

Story of the Father-In-Law