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The Note for revolution


Kim Kyuhang




Humanities & Society



Overseas Licensing


  • #Korea's representative intellectual
  • #revolution
  • #capitalism
  • #marxism
  • #hierarchy

Copyright Contact

Yoo Seungjae

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

    979-11-5992-286-2 03300
  • Dimensions

    120 * 188

Kim Kyuhang, a representative Korean social critic who analyzes social structure and culture in a concise and sharp style, penetrates today’s capitalist social structure from a viewpoint of commodity fetishism in Marxist theory.

Book Intro

Kim Kyuhang analyzes the world in a concise style and insightful sentences

A blueprint of revolution that sees through the social system


"What we should be skeptical about is not a revolution but ourselves, who have nothing but stereotypes about revolution."


Kim Kyuhang is a rare social and cultural critic whose writing forms are consistent with the content. Until recently, his name had often been found on the list of authors of the so-called "red" books, or seditious books. However, Revolution Notebook is his second book published in eleven years, since the publication of his first book, The Story of Jesus Christ. In Revolution Notebook, Kim analyzes all the structures of the world, encompassing politics, economy, society, culture, art, education, people, and current affairs from his uniquely poignant insight. Revolution Notebook transcends the spiritual revolution in an individual layer and penetrates the basic social system that supports the sum of individuals. Under the premise that the "hopeless" world that we live in now with seemingly no end is not a temporary symptom that capitalism suffers from but the revelation of its real nature, Kim points out that "it is necessary to face up to the essence and structure of capitalism beyond a local or current point of view, and to build up an idea for overcoming the drawbacks of capitalism."

Revolution Notebook begins by showing readers the solemn reality that has been disregarded or neglected: "Human history is a history of hierarchy. As long as there is a condition in which hierarchy is set, the human race establishes a hierarchical society as if it is an exhibition of instinct. Even the socialism societies of the twentieth century, seen as societies that abolished class distinctions, were no exception." The book then brings up initial, basic questions that have been forgotten. For example, when it is said that now is the age of artificial intelligence and robots, the author says that we should be asking, "Why do humans need artificial intelligence and robots?" What is the reason for houses and real estate being private possessions? Isn't it good for everybody to have giant monopolistic capital (chaebol and conglomerates) shared among the people? Is it possible to prevent climate crisis under a capitalist system? While reading this book, readers will be reminded of forgotten questions that are followed by other questions, as "change begins with the resumption of questioning."

About the Author

Kim Kyuhang

Kim Kyuhang is a social/cultural critic and educational activist. Since 1998, he has been writing in search of the nature of hierarchical perspectives and the social system in concise and insightful sentences. Recently, he has focused on writing and collaborations with modern art. He launched Whale Did So, a children’s culture magazine, in 2003 and is currently the magazine’s publisher. His works include B Leftist, The Story of Jesus Christ, and We Are Lonely Because We Have Few Opportunities for Being Solitary. Author’s Facebook: /gyuhang website: gyuhang.net



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