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Alien Gods


Lee Suhyun




Genre Literature



Overseas Licensing


  • #horror; fantasy; women's bodies; laborers; department store; underground; seniors

Copyright Contact

Park Jinhee

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    114 * 189

A blinding flash of an alien god will descend upon a Korean shaman during a ritual of chaos and mania.

Book Intro

“To me, becoming a crazywoman was a fear worse than death.” Minsuh is a skeptic and academic researcher going around documenting shaman rituals despite her lack of belief. She has memories of her mother going to such rituals in search of a cure for herself, which perhaps explains why Minsuh is so averse to the culture today. But she regards shamans as an elevated form of performance artist, so good at their jobs that they can even provide academics with the research material they crave.


Then one day, Minsuh receives an interesting proposal: did she want to see what a real shaman was like? This shaman never advertises and hates to meet researchers. Perhaps Minsuh is not as skeptical as she thought—and there is a sliver of hope that this one might be real—because she allows the screwy amateur researcher Hwang to take her to the Forbidden House, a Japanese occupation-era residence where mysterious deaths had occurred over the past century. Inside are chandeliers strung with lace-like spider webs where shamans dressed completely in white stand in a circle. This is where Minsuh meets the shaman Gyeongja in a moment that’s like a hallucination. And that’s even before they begin the actual exorcism.


The story centers on the mania of shamanist rituals and a creepy murder house, but the real terror is what happens in the mind of the young researcher Minsuh who persistently censors herself with logic and reason. Waiting in the dark together for the alien god in the Forbidden House, the shaman Gyeongja taps into the root of Minsuh’s fear. “Some things, they just happen, and it is not your fault.” The universe does not have reason, and the world is uninterested in humanity. This is an existential fear incomparable to anything else, but Gyeongja dares to go one step further. In the chaotic mania of the shaman ritual that follows, Minsuh is faced with the vastness of another part of the universe right there in the basement of the Forbidden House—but where does all this terror come from?

About the Author

Lee Suhyun

Lee Soo-hyun is a science fiction author and translator who obtained a BA and MA in anthropology at Seoul National University. They won the 4th Korean Fantasy Award 1st Prize for “Paranormal Master” and contributed to several anthologies including Next-Door Superhero and There Are Too Many Superheros in Your Vicinity. They have translated several authors into Korean including George RR Martin, Octavia Butler, Rick Riordan, and Ursula K Le Guin.

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