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Keep Dad Healthy
: Health Care Tips for Office Workers


Shin Seungwhan


A-Jin Publishing Co., Ltd.





Overseas Licensing


  • #health care
  • #weight control
  • #diet
  • #exercise
  • #stress
  • #mind control
  • #keeping a good posture
  • #health care for women
  • #five-minute workout

Copyright Contact

Kim Gunbae

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    150 * 220

Based on the author's own experiences and exercise methods, this book provides useful information on health care for those in their 30s or 40s who wish to make a change and succeed.

Book Intro

Keep Dad Healthy is a book of health care tips for office workers. Employees who lead ordinary lives while hoping for changes and success in their lives will be able to gain practical tips on health care. Health is essential for success; if you are sick, it's impossible to play a leading role in an organization. Even if you find success and others see you as a successful person, it will mean nothing unless you're healthy. You can take care of your health only when you know about yourself. Author Shin Seungwhan explains why office workers who haven't learned about health care in school and haven't worried about their health due to being too busy at work and at home must take certain actions to stay healthy while also teaching them what they can do for their health with pictures.

If someone is not sick and has a nice figure, can we say that person is healthy? No, we can't. Health is not all about one's physical condition; it includes one's mental condition and the ability to maintain a social life.

This book offers multiple ways to check up on our health, regardless of whether we are wealthy or not, as more people are expected to live to 100 years of age in today's world. Those who are feeling that they have gained weight and gotten out of shape while working hard in a competitive environment and have experienced their health deteriorating may find this book very useful. A variety of methods to take care of one's health within everyday life, such as proper ways to breathe, personal health checkups, weight control, proper ways to exercise, managing stress, developing the right eating habits, and having good posture, are also included. Under the 14 themes and multiple subthemes, detailed information, knowledge, and solutions related to health are presented. In the Spring Water section at the end of each subtheme, basic knowledge about health is provided. The appendix titled 5 Minutes of Exercise Each Day for a Nice Body contains images to help readers understand.

About the Author

Shin Seungwhan

Shin Seungwhan graduated from the Korean Naval Academy and Seoul National University with a degree in Physical Education. Having previously taught college students at schools including Seoul National University and KAIST, Shin currently works as a professor at the Korean Naval Academy and a sports columnist. Shin has conducted studies on overall health management including physical activity promotion system (PAPS), the development of health content, improving physical strength for those in their 20s-60s, weight control, and eating habits. In recognition of his efforts, Shin received the Excellent Professor Award from the Korean Naval Academy. Books written by Shin Seungwhan include Would You Like to Live Longer? and Swimming: Easy to Understand, Easy to Learn.


Korean Naval Academy, 2005, Excellent Professor Award

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