- Overview
- Book Intro
(English) Being the Parent Your Child Needs: Understanding Attachment, Responding to Emotions, and Creating a Healthy Relationship
Could it be that I am only giving my child the role of parent I wanted in my childhood?
Focusing on the child's present and practicing finding what my child wants now Why do I try the same? In this case, if parents expand their understanding of themselves, they can get answers to maintain their relationship with their children. Surprisingly, many parents try to give their children the role of parents that they idealized in their childhood, rather than being children, and in doing so, bump into and conflict with their children. This book tells in detail how to understand the relationship between me as a parent, how to form a healthy attachment with my child, how to sensitively notice my child's current feelings and respond appropriately to the child's needs.
(Chinese) 对于和我的父母不同,想要抚养孩子的你,
集中于孩子的现在,现在寻找自己想要的东西的练习为什么一样努力,但是有些父母比较不动摇,对孩子反应很好,而有些父母却朝着错误的方向发展呢? 这时,如果父母扩大对自己的理解,就可以得到维持与孩子关系的答案。 出乎意料的是,很多父母不是孩子,而是想让孩子扮演自己小时候认为理想的父母角色,从而与孩子发生冲突和矛盾。 这本书详细介绍了理解作为父母的我建立的关系方式的方法、与孩子形成健康爱心的方法、敏感地察觉不是其他人的我孩子现在的感情,并适当反应孩子要求的方法。
- About the Author
Yoon-mi Park
(English) B.A. Art Therapy and Counselling Psychology Course of M.A. Psychology Therapy. She is sharing the learned from parent education lectures and coaching as she has met numerous parents through her blog ‘Emotion Control Coaching Institute’ and ‘Parents-I’ in Naver. She also wrote the book, 『Angry Mom’s Prescription』.