- Overview
- Book Intro
(English) It’s My First Day at School
This book is a story that takes a closer look at the heart of a trembling child who has just entered elementary school and honestly looks at the first day at school from the child's point of view. A shy lion who hesitates even to borrow a pencil, a wolf who cries ‘Ahhhh’ because he misses his mother and a brawny rabbit who boldly greets even among large animals and talks to his partner first. By twisting the common idea, each animal is given a personality. At the same time, it tells children who read books that each of us is different, and it is natural that there are children who are nervous about school or unfamiliar encounters and there are children who are excited.
(Chinese) 今天是第一天上学
讲述了刚上小学,更接近孩子紧张的心,从孩子的观点出发,坦率地讲述在学校度过最初的一天的故事。 连借一支铅笔都畏缩的害羞狮子、想念妈妈而哭的狼、在大块头动物中间也堂堂正正地打招呼、先和同桌说话的聪明的兔子,扭曲了我们的传统观念,赋予了各动物个性。 同时,对于读书的孩子们来说,我们各自不同,学校或陌生的相遇也会有颤抖的孩子,也有兴奋的孩子,这是自然而然的事情。
- About the Author
Kim Jinmi