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That Winter in Sontag Hotel






Genre Literature



Overseas Licensing


  • #Mystery
  • #Detective
  • #Murder

Copyright Contact

Park Nuri

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    128 * 195

Djuna's mystery collection of eight perfectly mysterious murders.

Book Intro


Djuna's mystery fiction intentionally hides characters' stories to add mysteriousness.


"Uncle Seongho's Crime"

Actor Yang Seongho kills his childhood friend and disguises it as an accident. Investigators have doubts about the death and try to prove that Seongho is the culprit. However, they never find out the motive for murder and the crucial assistant.


"To the Last Drop of Blood"

Two men were found brutally murdered. The fingerprints found on the scene belonged to someone they'd known for more than ten years. The police try to find the owner of the fingerprints, but his trace is wiped from this world. Why were the two men murdered by the untraceable fingerprints?


"That Winter in Sontag Hotel"

The body of the leading role is found hanging at a filming location. Then come revelations of his sexual assault. What was the man who had yearned for the authority of the director so afraid of enough to choose death? Perhaps it was a homicide, not suicide. The shooting goes on even after his death.


"Pig Feed"

A private detective in America gets requested to retrieve the diamond stolen by a woman. He traces his steps all the way to Korea, but both the diamond and the woman turn out to be fictional. Who lured him into Korea with false information?


"Protect Baby Bean"

Ji Hyejeong and her husband are producers of the children's animation "Baby Bean's Adventures." One night a woman kills Hyejeong's husband, and the two women plan to hide the body in his vacation home. In the process, they end up killing a friend of the husband as well. Get rid of the guilty husband, and Hyejeong can protect Baby Bean.


"Who Killed Chunbae?"

Ji Minjeong gets invited to a film premiere. The film involves finding out who murdered Chunbae of his five mutual friends. Minjeong realizes that it's based on the death of Yun Seolhui from a long time ago. Who does the director think killed Seolhui?


"That Was Your Blood"

The detective receives a letter that confesses the murder of Lee Jangsu. The culprit committed a murder and then let the clues subtly slip to the police. The case is related to the identity of Lee Jangsu as a teenager.


"The Hamlet Case"

Prince Hamlet kills King Claudius according to the testimony of the deceased former king. However, the ghost could well be an actor who resembles the former king, and no one other than Prince Hamlet has talked to the ghost. Did Prince Hamlet take revenge for his father?

About the Author


(English) Djuna is a science fiction writer who also writes film reviews about other subjects. Since 1992, he has done film-related writing, wrote science fiction, and continues to publish novels and reviews on popular culture in various media. He is the author of the novel, The World of Mint, and the following anthologies of short stories, Gubujeon,” The Second Nanny, Tax-Free Region,” “Trans-Pacific Express,” “Daerijeon,” “The Dragon’s Tooth,” “Broccoli Duel of the Plains”; the serialized novels, Not a Deity Yet, Jezebel; Book of Film Review, Grumbling Before the Screen; Book of Essays, Space of Possible Dreams and Excursion of Djuna Drifting in the World of Genre, and forty other books. He has also taken part in writing the screenplay of “The Scary Story.” Gubujeon, his recent work, will be published in the USA.

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