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The Savior at Night


Seon Ran Cheon


Safehouse Inc.


Genre Literature



Overseas Licensing


  • #2022 K-Book Copyright Market

Copyright Contact

Hwang Chanjoo

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    128 * 200

Book Intro

The Savior at Night


Several suicide incidents ensue at a rehabilitation hospital in an old town of Incheon, and the young investigator begins to suspect a middle-aged woman who appears at the scene of each incident.

"The Cheolma Rehabilitation Hospital is located in an old town of Incheon. The fourth suicide incident occurs. The police are ready to close the cases as mere suicide because the families of the deceased neglect the deceased but Subin finds it odd that there is no trace of blood on the fallen body from the scene. Then a middle-aged woman appears with the dubious claim it was caused by a vampire.


One day, Grandma Oksu who is a close acquaintance with Subin, turns out to be the sixth person to die from the suicide incident. Subin decides to take things in to her own hands. She finds out that a similar serial suicide incident that occurred 5 years ago involved propfol found in the bodies, and that the culprit currently works at the hospital. Wanda clings to this case because she is desperate to find her long lost love - and vampire - Lily. Subin and Wanda finally face the true culprit.


Why Savior of the Night?


¶ This is a vampire romance weaved into a mysterious narrative. Detective Subin and vampire hunter Wanda set out to catch the culprit knowing that the suicides were caused by a vampire, and they are met with a sad love story. The well paced mystery is difficult to predict and includes a vivid romance.


¶ In the story the rehabilitation patients, LGBTQ individuals, foreign adoptees, and vampires each feel isolated for different reasons. SeonranCheon's unique writing style adds to the coldness, and deepens the story with the added sentiment behind ""waiting.""

About the Author

Seon Ran Cheon

(English) Cheon Seonran writes about environmental degradation, animal extinction, and viruses as key motifs in her stories. Despite her constant efforts to stretch her fictional imagination, her brainstorming always brings her to the questions of how Earth will come to an end and what will happen in outer space. One day, she realized she wanted to put these ideas down in print. Cheon spends most of her time imagining and writing. She made her debut in 2019 with the novel Broken Bridges, which won the 4th Science Fiction Award. She recently published the collection A Material Love. She won the grand prize for 2019 Korean Science and Literature Award. 

(Japanese) 2020年、最も注目されるSF作家のひとり。人間でないものに関して語るのが好きで、面白い話とは何なのかについて探求し続けている。動植物が主流となり、人間が非主流になる世界を夢見ている。




(French) L’écrivaine traite la destruction de la nature, l’extinction des animaux et le virus comme le thème de son livre. Elle pensait toujours la fin de la Terre et rêvait de ce qui se passerait quelque part dans l’univers. Un jour, elle se décide à en faire un roman.



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