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If we look at the same star someday


Cha Inpyo


Min Byoungkwon




Adolescent Literature



Overseas Licensing


  • #Growth
  • #respect for life
  • #forgiveness and reconciliation
  • #Japanese occupation
  • #comfort women
  • #he legend of Mt. Baekdu
  • #Mt. Baekdu tigers

Copyright Contact

Lee Suran

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    134 * 200

Ms. Sunny, who was forced to leave the country as a comfort woman 70 years ago during the Japanese occupation, came back to Korea and tells stories of her childhood.

Book Intro

(English) If we look at the same star someday 

This is a story of Yong, the tiger hunter; Soon, the granddaughter of the village head; and Kazuo, a Japanese officer—and their eventful days in the Tiger Village located at the foot of Mount Baekdu in the 1930s. Yong is a quiet, honest boy who moved to the Tiger Village with his father to catch the white tiger that had killed his mother. He instantly falls in love with Soon, a bright, compassionate girl who looks after people even in a challenging environment. A pure love soon blossoms between them. Making unforgettable memories in the village with Soon and another innocent friend, Sniffler, Yong slowly opens up his heart. Meanwhile, Kazuo who came to Joseon after joining the army with sincere loyalty to his nation (Japan) undergoes a change in his mental state and experiences a severe inner conflict. His letter to his mother suggests his respect and love for his mother as well as a kind character. Seven years later, Soon is selected to be a comfort woman for the Japanese army, which immediately throws her peaceful life into danger. On the boundary between life and death, Yong devotes everything he has to save Soon, while Kazuo faces utter despair, feeling doubts over his country’s evil deeds. *Entangled in the whirlwind of history against their will, the choices the three characters each make show us ways to restore the good in human nature, which does not ignore others’ sadness and misfortune, and ways to overcome hardship through human love. It also encourages us to take a moment and think about what makes us human, and what it means to forgive and reconcile. The book conveys the author’s wish that in this world, where the weak coexist with the weak, people keep alive hope and have true respect for all life. This story of Soon, Yong, and Kazuo will make readers laugh, cry, and feel sad, but more importantly, it will go beyond such sadness or anguish to provide warm comfort and consolation that will relieve the pain and sadness by the time we finish the story.

About the Author

Cha Inpyo

(English) Born in Seoul in 1967, Cha Inpyo majored in economics at Rutgers University. He has now become one of the most popular actors in Korea, having built a prolific career in both television and film over the past 30 years since his debut in 1993. He is also known for his kind-hearted attitude toward society and practice of sharing, which tugged at the heartstrings of many people. He began writing in 1997 in an effort to share more deeply the problems and stories of our reality. He is particularly good at spotting the details of the shadows of our society and understanding the hearts of those in pain, clearly demonstrating his goal to be a writer who embraces the world. To him, writing is a way to achieve a more profound level of empathy and sharing because he knows from his long experience that simply understanding another’s pain can sometimes be the best way to show support. And, as everybody knows, he is an enthusiastic participant in social welfare activities, having adopted children, engaged in volunteer work, and made many donations, contributing to fostering the culture of sharing. He is also the author of Forecast of Today. 


(Englsih) 9Jedit is an illustrator who records moments by writing and painting stories. 9Jedit put down the violin, which she had played for ten years, and studied illustration in the United Kingdom. Believing in the magic of consistency, she paints pictures and writes every single day. She concentrates on discovering beautiful moments in everyday life and in dreams that pass by. She wants to convey warm emotions to her readers through her colors and stories. She enjoys a heart-warming tale, the moon and stars in the night sky, and a sky with clouds floating by. She is the author of the book, Everything Will Be Okay Like Magic.

Min Byoungkwon

(English) Min Byoungkwon – After studying illustration at the University of the Arts in the U.S., he now illustrates in Yangpyeong, surrounded by nature. His unique illustrations that touch the hearts of readers with warmth can be found in a number of children’s stories and educational books, including Solved! Write the Alphabet and Solved! Write Hangul.


Kim Min-seob (writer) – The author’s good heart and attitude—the belief that forgiveness ultimately advances everyone’s life—seem to ask us, “What makes us human?”

Gang Hyeon-gu (teacher) – A lyrical, poignant novel that allows students to see for themselves the unjust nature of the forced sexual slavery during the Japanese occupation.

Kim Min-shik (writer) – How should we forgive someone who does not seek forgiveness? The question posed by the author stirs our hearts for a long time.

Bestseller Rank

Ranked 20th in the teen category, December 2021 – YES24

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