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Children of the Red Thread


Jeon Samhye




Genre Literature


Young Adult

Overseas Licensing


  • #Parallel universes
  • #dreams of premonition
  • #supernatural powers
  • #legend of the red thread

Copyright Contact

Bae Jeongeun - Greenbook Agency, Foreign Rights

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    128 * 195

The myth of the red thread that binds us to those we are fated to in this life is reimagined as a dramatic and moving science fiction epic spanning six universes.

Book Intro

(English) Children of the Red Thread

Jeon Sam-hye, in their lively depiction of young adults standing in the threshold of childhood and adulthood making their way through strange new worlds, brings us a tale of a group of superpowered outsiders whose extraordinary abilities are the source of loneliness and hurt as they deal with the tragic fate of the cosmos. Yuri, a girl who has dreams that are premonitions, is caught one day by a classmate who realizes her powers. This girl is named Sia, who confesses she has powers as well. Her power is that things she worries about never happen. Meanwhile, five other versions of Yuri descend on her Earth, who warn Yuri that Sia will be responsible for the destruction of her planet just as their versions of Sia had been for theirs. These four Yuris—named Bay, Ryun, Toto, Red, and Jin—each have different powers of their own and have killed the Sia's in their own universes. In these universes in peril, the only way for the Earths to survive is if the Yuri of that universe kills her. But Yuri and Sia attempt to save each other and escape the death that the entire cosmos seems to wish upon Sia. 

"If I say it, Sia will worry about it, and so it won't happen." 

"Please. Worry about yourself." 

Any child beyond the scope of the ordinary, despite their various abilities, often ends up being marginalized by society. THE CHILDREN OF THE RED THREAD are such children. Despite their abilities, or because of them, they are thrust into an unavoidable fate, sacrificing the most precious people in their worlds. But Sia and Yuri will never give each other up. THE CHILDREN OF THE RED THREAD is, in the end, a story of children who played the cards they were dealt in the only ways they could.

About the Author

Jeon Samhye

(English) Born in 1987, Jeon Sam-hye graduated Myeongji University majoring in Creative Writing. They decided on their major after serializing fanfics online. Since 2016, they have been working as a game scenario writer. They are also Korea's most successful and prolific YA SF writer, aiming to spread SF far and wide among younger readers. They are the 2nd Vice-President of the Science Ficition Writers Union of Korea and has been writing professionally since 2010. They were once a lighthouse keeper in Pangyo. 

After their debut in 2010 through the Daesan College Literary Award, they have published several books including INTERNATIONAL DATE LINE, BOY GIRL EVOLUTION, WITCHES DELIVERY, and others. They have also participated in numerous anthologies including BULLIED, THE SHOUT OF EXISTENCE, THE MOLECULE OF LOVE, LET US SEE THE ENDING, and WHALE COMMUNICATION.

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