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A Reading Expedition with Pinocchio
: Reading Pinocchio for elementary school kids


Cho Sunwoo


Noble with Books Publishing


Fairy Tale Books


9~12 years old

Overseas Licensing


  • #Pinocchio
  • #Elementary school reading
  • #Game reading method
  • #Pinocchio series
  • #Reading Pinocchio
  • #Thinking games
  • #Reading mastery
  • #2022 Visiting Korean Book Fair-Indonesia

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Cho Sunwoo

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    150 * 210

A children’s story with Pinocchio that teaches you how to read in an enjoyable way like a game.

Book Intro

(English) A Reading Expedition with Pinocchio

As it is said in ‘To all the Pinocchios in the world’, which appears on the dedication page of each book in the Pinocchio series published by Noble with Books, reading in one’s childhood has a greater impact than reading a book as an adult in one’s life. Books read during childhood can determine a person’s future.


What books one reads and what one thinks can determine a person’s life. What kind of books you read during your elementary school years determines what kind of compass you have in your journey over the sea of life. Having the right compass is the only way to lead a right life.


This book helps you learn the important meaning of “thinking” in life through a reading game. And it makes you realize that books and thoughts are like soul mates. Also, if you become close with books when you are in elementary school, you will find that you can have a best friend who will protect you for the rest of your life, which will bring books even closer.

This book will guide our children on the path to becoming a reading master and teach them how to enjoy reading as a game.

The main character of this book, Pinocchio, is in the fifth grade of elementary school. Pinocchio doesn’t particularly dislike reading books, but he struggles with reading, like a person stuck in a maze. He often finds it difficult to express his thoughts after reading a book.


Like Pinocchio, many children in Korea also have no fun reading books, and they have a hard time expressing their thoughts after reading one.


The reason is because they think that reading is connected to studying. So, if you change the circuitry of your brain to think that reading is not like studying, but like a game, you will open your eyes anew to reading. And, as an added bonus, you learn that this thought is the key to changing everything. In addition, fun pictures are also included to help enrich children’s imagination.


(Indonesian) Subjudul dari <Eksplorasi Membaca Bersama Pinokio> kali ini adalah "Pinokio Membaca untuk Siswa Sekolah Dasar". Buku <Eksplorasi Membaca Bersama Pinokio> ini juga muncul di dunia “Untuk Semua Pinokio di Dunia Ini", seperti yang yang tersirat dalam seri Pinokio. Anak-anak zaman sekarang lebih terbiasa bermain game daripada membaca buku. Namun jika diamati, ternyata membaca buku mirip dengan game. Saat membaca buku ini, anak-anak akan meninggalkan anggapan “membaca itu sulit dan membosankan”. Mereka akan berpikir bahwa membaca adalah eksplorasi yang seru dan menyenangkan layaknya sebuah permainan. Dan seperti Pinokio, tokoh utama buku itu, mereka akan diundang ke eksplorasi dalam membaca dan akan bercita-cita menjadi “Ahli Membaca”. Buku ini dirancang dengan harapan setiap anak akan menjadi ahli dalam membaca.


About the Author

Cho Sunwoo

(English) Cho Sunwoo majored in philosophy and is a writer and the CEO of Noble with Reading publishing house. He has written books such as How Can We Become Book Sommeliers; Pattern Recognition Method of Reading (with a History of Western Philosophy); Humanities in My Hands, the Door to Dreams; A Journey of Thinking with Pinocchio; So You Want to Publish; I Am an Indigo Child; and Reading Expedition with Pinocchio. Among them, Humanities in My Hands, the Door to Dreams and the Pinocchio project books were selected as Best Book by Bookdase (an organization of teachers who make the world warmer with books), Sejong Books, and the Korea Research Institute for Children’s Education and Culture, respectively.


Selected as Best Book by Korea Institute of Children’s Education and Culture (2021)

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