- Overview
According to the folk custom, if you sleep on December 31, the last day of the lunar year, that you will wake up with your eyebrows having turned white as snow. This picture book provides a reimagined interpretation of this folk myth.
- Book Intro
On the night of December 31, two children are seen whispering underneath the bed covers. They are siblings Raon and Gaon. Having read a folk custom about sleeping on the last night of the lunar year, they enter into a bet to see who will manage to fight off sleep till the end. The kids struggle to stay awake so their eyebrows won't turn white by morning. Then they're greeted by an unexpected guest. It's the Jade Rabbit! Jade Rabbit, who has come with a large sack, proposes that he will be the judge of the bet, and the children agree. Will the siblings manage to stay awake all night and protect their eyebrows from turning white?
- About the Author
Je Sungeun
(English) After receiving the Saebom Literature Award, she became a fairy tale writer and won the script competition at the Chuncheon Puppet Festival. Her major works include original fairy tales such as "The Apartment Collecting Noise," "Adolescence vs. Menopause," "Adolescence vs. Dad's Menopause," "The Ghost in the Group Chat," "Family in the Group Chat," "I Want to See the Unseen," and "The Nagging Center," as well as picture books such as "The Dancing Towel" and "Counting Eyebrows Day."
(Japanese) セボッ文学賞を受賞して童話作家になり、春川人形劇祭台本公募展で受賞しました。主な作品に、創作童話『思春期対更年期』、『思春期対パパ更年期』、『グループトークルームの幽霊』、『グループトークルームの家族』、『見なかった目買います』、『小言センター』などがあり、絵本に『踊るタオル』、『眉毛を数える日』などがあります。
(English) Lee Eunjoo was born and raised in Buenos Aires. Since moving to South Korea, she has been illustrating children's books and working on various projects. She is happiest imagining the world inside a picture book. Eunjoo's books include The Day I Count My Eyebrow Hairs, Chuchu and the Mimicking Speaker, Ding-Dong, The Blue Duck, and The Green Turtle.
(Chinese) 插画师出生于布宜诺斯艾利斯市,并在此长大,抵达韩国后除了从事儿童图书插画创作,更身兼数职。他认为想象图书里的世界并进行创作时最幸福。负责绘制插画的图书有《数眉毛的日子》《秋秋和有样学样的扬声器》,进行创作并绘制的有《叮咚》《蓝色鸭子》《绿色龟》等书。
(Vietnamese) Sinh ra và lớn lên ở Buenos Aires. Sau khi đến Hàn Quốc, tác giả đã vẽ tranh cho sách thiếu nhi trong một thời gian dài. Những cuốn sách tác giả viết và vẽ bao gồm 『Vịt xanh』 và 『Ding Dong』, và một số sách minh họa như 『Đếm lông mày』 và 『Chuchu và bất cứ thứ gì bắt chước diễn giả』.
(Russian) Родился и вырос в Буэнос-Айресе. Приехав в Корею, рисовал иллюстрации для детских книг, выполняю разную деятельность помимо написания книг. Я счастливее всего, когда представляю, рисую и пишу мир книжек с картинками. Героями книжки могут стать кролики, птицы, медведи, волки, крокодилы, змеи и белки. Иногда меняются горы и реки, а также деревья. Времена года:весна, лето, осень и зима тоже сменяются. Интересно, когда всё меняется в мире книжек с картинками.
(Japanese) ブエノスアイレスで生まれ育ちました。韓国へ渡ってきてからは長い間、子供のための本に絵を描いてきました。書籍には「青いカモ」、「ピンポン」があり、絵を担当したものでは「眉毛を数える日」や「チュチュと何でも真似っこスピーカー」などがあります。