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The prince who didn’t brush his teeth


Park Jeong-hee

Park Se-yeon


A thousand hope


Picture Books


3~5 years old

Overseas Licensing


  • #Children's picture book
  • #Daily habits
  • #Health
  • #Brushing your teeth
  • #Teeth
  • #Cavities

Copyright Contact

Song Soohyun

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    220 * 267

The adorable characters and funny colloquial expressions teach readers how to brush their teeth in a fun way

Book Intro

*An important life-long habit, brushing your teeth should be fun**

Early childhood is a time when many important habits start to form. Habits that have to do with personal hygiene are important because they are related to kids’ health. Teeth are used for a lifetime so it is vital for children to learn how to take care of them from a young age. It is also true that in many households it is a near-war situation to get kids to brush their teeth. When your tooth hurts you must go to the dentist which also feels like a scary experience, and these elements can make children have a negative perception towards caring for their teeth. 

What if brushing one’s teeth was a fun game? The prince in the book hates brushing his teeth just like all other kids. His family decides to hold a grand Chika-Puka party for the prince who ran away because he didn’t want to brush his teeth. All the people of Chika Land brush their teeth as they sing and dance together. The entertaining story will teach kids how to brush their teeth in a healthy way and help form good habits from early on. 


*Join the Chika-Puka party with the playful prince*

The prince avoids brushing his teeth at all costs… and runs in the opposite direction when it’s time to brush. The prince is just like any kid which makes readers smile. He is adorable but sometimes his playfulness makes his mother, the queen, unbearably frustrated. But his mother, father or sister never yell or try to force him to brush his teeth. On the contrary, they suggest holding a huge Chika-Puka party. Everybody starts to brush their teeth, as they sing and dance to the music. The happy faces and gestures of the characters look like emojis, but they are a simple way to show the reader the right way to brush their teeth. The easy, rhythmic lyrics make teeth-brushing a fun experience. The onomatopoeic and mimetic words read like song lyrics. Kids will be running to the bathroom to hold a Chika-Puka party of their own after reading the book.


About the Author

Park Jeong-hee

(Japanese) 姉が文を書き、妹が絵を描いた本です。子供との日常で起こる些細でありながら大事な人生の悩みを楽しいストーリーに残したかったのです。うんちと死闘を繰り広げていた姉の娘は今や大学生となり、従妹のお姉さんにそっくりな妹の息子はまだその戦いの真っ最中です。姉の気を揉ませたうんち姫がいつの間にか健康でキレイな女の子になったように、便秘で苦しむすべての子供たちもまた、いつか素敵な青年に育つと信じています。


(Vietnamese) Chị viết em vẽ. Đây là truyện tranh đầu tiên của hai chị em, cô chị thì thích viết văn và nhật ký nuôi dạy con, người em thì thích vẽ linh tinh. Họ muốn viết nên câu chuyện thú vị từ những lo lắng của cuộc đời dù thoạt nhìn thì chỉ là chuyện vặt vẳn trong cuộc sống hàng ngày với trẻ nhỏ. Họ tin rằng tất cả em bé từng khóc nhè vì táo bón một ngày nào đó sẽ trưởng thành thật tài giỏi.


(English) Jeonghee writes as Seyeon illustrates. This is the second book following the sisters’ debut book, Princess Poop, which combined Jeonghee’s journal notes from motherhood and illustrations from Seyeon who loves to draw. The prince who used to hate brushing his teeth grew up to be a fine young man, and brushing his teeth has become a voluntary everyday routine. Jeonghee wanted to remember the days when this simple task was a worrisome burden for her as a mother. She hopes to cheer for all the kids and families who may be struggling with making teeth-brushing a fun routine.   

Park Se-yeon

(Japanese) 姉が文を書き、妹が絵を描いた本です。子供との日常で起こる些細でありながら大事な人生の悩みを楽しいストーリーに残したかったのです。うんちと死闘を繰り広げていた姉の娘は今や大学生となり、従妹のお姉さんにそっくりな妹の息子はまだその戦いの真っ最中です。姉の気を揉ませたうんち姫がいつの間にか健康でキレイな女の子になったように、便秘で苦しむすべての子供たちもまた、いつか素敵な青年に育つと信じています。


(Vietnamese) Chị viết em vẽ. Đây là truyện tranh đầu tiên của hai chị em, cô chị thì thích viết văn và nhật ký nuôi dạy con, người em thì thích vẽ linh tinh. Họ muốn viết nên câu chuyện thú vị từ những lo lắng của cuộc đời dù thoạt nhìn thì chỉ là chuyện vặt vẳn trong cuộc sống hàng ngày với trẻ nhỏ. Họ tin rằng tất cả em bé từng khóc nhè vì táo bón một ngày nào đó sẽ trưởng thành thật tài giỏi.

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