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(French)L'été de Vivaldi


Suzy Lee


BIR Publishing Co., Ltd.


Picture Books


Overseas Licensing


  • #Visiting Korean Book Fair 2021 France&Belgium

Copyright Contact

Claire Yang

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    235 * 315

Book Intro

The best book which includes every technique that has been 

used in previous Suzy Lee’s books. ‘Four seasons’ haveⅠ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ 

movements for each season, and she followed the format as it is. 

So the picture book is divided into three movements as well, and 

expresses the story of the music by using various materials and 

techniques, Collage & Crayon, Lines & Dots, Thin coloring & Acrylic 

Paint so that each movement changes its scenes and looks.

And it has reinterpretation of the sonnet written by Vivaldi at 

the beginning of each chapter as if it’s a child’s tone or as if it’ 

s written in a child’s diary but after a short paragraph, the story 

unfolds only by the power of illustrations until the end. 

Furthermore, the book begins with a stage and the performers 

enter the scene and it starts. And the curtain opens in the middle 

and the children start to play.

About the Author

Suzy Lee

(English) Suzy Lee studied painting and book art in Korea and Britain. She graduated with a BFA in Painting from Seoul National University and earned an MA in Book Arts in 2001 from Camberwell College of Arts in London. 

Her picture books have been published in many countries and are highly acclaimed by critics and loved by readers. She has won Korean Publishing Culture Awards, The New York Times Best Illustrated Children’s Books Award, and the Boston Globe–Horn Book Award (Honor). The books she has written and illustrated include Shim Chung; River; Lines; Mirror; Wave; Shadow; and The Zoo. Lee has also illustrated for books, including Dream of Becoming Water; This Beautiful Day; and Open This Little Book. Currently, she is participating in the Vacance Project and running Hintoki Press. 

* Learn more about her at www.suzyleebooks.com


(French) Elle est née à Séoul en 1974. Elle a étudié la peinture et l'art du livre en Corée et en Angleterre. Elle a remporté le prix du plus beau livre de Suisse pour "La nuit du lapin" et a été nommée illustratrice de l'année à la Foire internationale du livre pour enfants de Bologne. "Let's Play Fado" a été sélectionné comme meilleur livre d'images du New York Times en 2008. Elle a remporté le Boston Globe Hon Book Honor Award pour "Ouvrez ce petit livre '' et a été la première Coréenne à être nommée pour le prix Hans Christian Andersen 2016. Ses œuvres comprennent "ZOO", "My Myongwon Painter" et "Open, door !". Il y a des portes, des oiseaux noirs, et "Into the Mirror".


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