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The most precious thing to me was myself


Kim Insun


Wood Pencil Books


Literature & Fiction



Overseas Licensing


  • #Visiting Korean Book Fair 2021 France&Belgium
  • #2022 Visiting Korean Book Fair-Japan

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  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    127 * 188

Book Intro

(Japanese) 私にとって一番大切なのは私自身だった



(French) Ce qui était le plus précieux était moi-même.

Est-ce que nous traitons bien cette situation ? Ne consommons-nous pas, au nom de l’amour et de la justice, notre souffrance en l’exposant afin de pouvoir socialement exister ? N’est-ce pas que non seulement ceux qui souffrent mais aussi ceux qui se mettent à leurs côtés tombent ensemble ? Le sociologue UM Ki Ho, qui révélait la chair de la société coréenne profondément cachée, a écrit cet ouvrage pour montrer la géologie de la souffrance de notre époque dont il a découvert les couches et les a étudiées l’une après l’autre.


(English) The most precious thing to me was myself

How many stories are hidden in a person’s life? what it means to look back on one's

life; it's about a woman's life that has been on going for 70 years--a life full of ups and

downs. She was a Korean immigrant living in Germany, a sexual minority, and the first

woman to establish a hospice for immigrants in Germany. In the year of Korean War, she

was born in Kyung Nam Ma San, leaving behind the poor and miserable childhood, she

migrated to Germany when she was 22 years old. She studied their language, cultures

to be a nurse and settled in German society. She fell in love and got married. And then a

woman came to her as in destiny. She divorced to choose her. She established hospice

between companion-heterogeneous culture with life insurance in 2005. Furthermore,

she received a plaque of appreciation from prime minister Angela Merkel for this act.

The activities of ‘companion’ have been continued by German humanism association

under the name of ‘hospice between companion and heterogeneous culture.

About the Author

Kim Insun

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