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European Cities in 7 Keywords
: stone, water, blood, money, fire, feet, dreams


Yoon Hye-Jun




Humanities & Society



Overseas Licensing


  • #European city
  • #European history
  • #world history

Copyright Contact

Kim Bora

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    152 * 210

From Athens in the 5th-century BCE to the contemporary Duomo of Milano, a guided tour across the history of European cities in 7 keywords.

Book Intro

This book looks at the past and present of European cities from a unique perspective. Readers are invited to travel across Europe guided by seven keywords: stone, water, blood, money, fire, feet, and dreams. The tour starts from a meaningful place and time and dives into the history of each city as a whole. The author, a professor of English literature, throws light on past memories hidden inside European cities and weaves them into a total of 49 self-contained stories, seven for each keyword. Although memories are harder to excavate in some places, where new buildings rise all the time, remnants of the past survive in every European city and testify to its history. This book is a journey in search of such marks and traces scattered across European cities, from the 5th-century BCE to the present. The tour stops at the mosaics of Basilica San Vitale to recount the love story of Justinian and Theodora; it takes a moment at a beautiful public square in Budapest to remember the bloodshed by protestors; it walks through Barri Gotic for a sight of well-preserved medieval Barcelona. This book vividly recaptures 49 different city landscapes, each shaped by glory and shame, pleasure and pain, beauty and ugliness, construction and destruction, and civilization and barbarism.

About the Author

Yoon Hye-Jun

Yoon Hye-Jun is a professor of English Literature at Yonsei University. He has a B.A. and M.A. in English Language and Literature from Hankuk University of Foreign Studies and Seoul National University respectively. He earned a Ph.D. in English Literature at SUNY Buffalo. He chaired the Institute of Humanities at Yonsei University until 2016. His works include Baroque and the Birth of "I" and The Landscape of Property. He has translated Oliver Twist and other classics into Korean.

Bestseller Rank

Ranked 3rd in Yes24 sales chart for December 2020.

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