- Overview
A strange and beautiful fantasy fairy tale that created by the shadows in child's mind.
- Book Intro
A Child Who Became a Tree
This book contains six fantasy fairy tales that touch the furtive emotions we want to conceal. A kid who couldn’t bear the bullying and chose to become a tree in the center of the classroom, a kid who erases parts of oneself to become identical to others, thinks it's natural that one's family exists only for oneself, and decides to do anything to become one who is loved the most… The loneliness, insecurities, prejudices, and desperate desires hidden within kids' hearts birth as an unusual fantasy through the author's unique imagination and sensitive eyes. The author sometimes describes the wretched tragedy brought by discrimination and hate in a chilling way and sometimes presents surprisingly beautiful consolation.
- About the Author
Nam You Ha
(English) Author Nam Youha works in a variety of genres, from children’s books to romance and horror. She received an “outstanding” award at the 5th Science Genre Fiction Short Story Contest with The Future Woman, and another at the 5th Hannak-won Science Novel Award with The Blue Hair. Her short story National Center for the Preservation of Human Dignity was published in translation in the American sci-fi magazine Clarkesworld. She has also participated in a number of anthologies, including The House of the Universe and The Tale of White Tailless Fox Monster. She currently lectures at Hankyoreh Education on writing feminist science fiction.
(Japanese) SFや童話、ロマンス、ホラーなど様々なジャンルの文章を書いている。まだ起きていないこと、もしかしたら起こるかもしれないことを想像するのが好き。『軌道採光線カニ甲羅.』、『女性作家SF短編集』などのアンソロジーに作品を掲載し、『未来の女』で2018第5回科学素材ジャンル文学短編小説公募優秀賞を、『青い髪』で第5回ハン楽園科学小説賞を受賞。『国立尊厳保障センター』がアメリカのSF雑誌クラークスワールドに翻訳、紹介され、小説集『ダイウェル株式会社』を書いた。
(French) Il écrit des textes de différents genres tels que la SF, les contes de fées, la romance, l'horreur, etc. Il a publié des œuvres dans des anthologies telles que "Gravité Foudre Crabe de ligne" et "Collection de courts métrages de SF écrits par des femmes", a remporté le 5e concours de nouvelles de littérature de genre scientifique et matérielle 2018, et le 5e prix de science-fiction Paradise pour "Blue Hair". Le Centre national pour la protection de la dignité a été traduit et présenté dans le magazine américain de SF Clarksworld et a écrit un roman, "Diwell Co., Ltd.".
(Indonesian) Penulis saat ini aktif menulis berbagai genre seperti fiksi ilmiah, dongeng, roman, dan horor. Ia gemar membayangkan sesuatu yang belum terjadi atau sesuatu yang mungkin telah terjadi. Ia telah menerbitkan karya-karya buku antologi seperti 『Orbit Kapal Luar Angkasa Cangkang Kepiting』 dan 『Kumpulan Cerpen Fantasi Oleh Penulis Wanita』, serta memenangkan Penghargaan Novel Unggulan dalam Lomba Cerpen Sastra Genre Materi Sains ke-5 untuk 「Wanita Masa Depan」 di tahun 2018 dan Penghargaan Novel Sains Han Nakwon Ke-5 untuk 「Rambut Berwarna Biru」. Karya 「National Center for Dignity」 telah diterjemahkan dan diperkenalkan pada Clarks World, sebuah majalah fiksi ilmiah Amerika Serikat.
- Selection