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Things We Took for Granted


Lee Juck

Myo Yim

Ahn Hyeyoung

Park Hyemi


Woongjin ThinkBig Co., Ltd.


Picture Books


6~8 years old

Overseas Licensing


  • #Picture Book
  • #COVID-19
  • #Cooped Up: Defeatism
  • #Hope
  • #Visiting Korean Book Fair 2021 Russia
  • #Video Conference
  • #Visiting Korean Book Fair 2021 France&Belgium

Copyright Contact

Ellen Jang

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    209 * 165

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, people are missing out on many things that were taken for granted before, such as their child's first day of school, the spring blossoms, hanging out with friends, and going on summer vacation. Things We Took for Granted is a picture book that readers can appreciate while looking forward to once more relishing these ordinary but cherished things we took for granted in the past.

Book Intro

(English) Things We Took for Granted

The story is based on the lyrics of Lee Juck’s song ‘Things we took for granted’ which was uploaded on social networking service in Apr. 2020. Starting with the story, ‘We didn’t realize back then the things we took for granted such as holding hands, embracing each other, and all things so ordinary to us.’ in calm voice makes you remember the ordinary live we used to have before the pandemic. Three different illustrators living in Australia, USA, and Korea worked together to present our ordinary days we used to enjoy, which you can feel their different perspectives.


(French) Notre quotidien

Le chanteur Lee Jeok a chanté la chanson « Notre quotidien » sur un réseau social en avril 2020, rêvant d'espoir pendant la crise sanitaire. Participer à une cérémonie d’entrée scolaire, voir des amis, partir en vacances d’été... Tout cela semble banal mais mais il faisait partie de notre vie quotidienne et nous aurions dû profiter de ces moments. La Covid-19 a bouleversé notre quotidien et il nous manque beaucoup. Les trois illustrateurs dans de différents pays (l’Australie, les États-Unis et la Corée du Sud) ont dessiné les paysages des quatre saisons, la vie diverse de chacun en remâchant les paroles de la chanson. Vous pourriez tourner les pages en espérant reprendre notre quotidien perdu bientôt.


(Russian) Вещи, которые мы принимали как должное

День, который приходится пережить современным людям, не так прост. Может ли повседневная жизнь детей в классе, стать свободной? День рака-отшельника, от открытия глаз утром и до входа в дом ночью, освещен простыми короткими текстами и изображениями, которые помогут интуитивно понять ситуацию. В это время рак-отшельник не выражает в письменной форме, какие эмоции у него, ситуацию и мысли, но сочетание плотно сплетенных образов приводит к естественному принятию и сопереживанию всех ситуаций. 


About the Author

Lee Juck

(French) Titulaire d’une licence en sociologie de l’Université nationale de Séoul, Lee Jeok a débuté en tant que musicien en sortant son premier album Panic en 1995.

Il était membre du groupe Geeks et Carnival mais il a aussi sorti ses albums solos. Il a composé de nombreuses musiques et parfois il a chanté lui-même ces chansons. (« Escargot », « Gaucher », « Rêve de l’oie », « Courir à travers le ciel », « Tant mieux », « Comme on dit », « Mensonge, mensonge, mensonge », « Boussole », « Pierre lancée », etc.)

Il a écrit des livres tels que « Chasseur des empreintes », « Un jour », « Je t’attendrai, tu m’attends ».


(English) Lee Juck majored in sociology at Seoul National University. He debuted as a musician in 1995 with Panic and their first album. He was a member of the duos, Panic, Gigs, and Carnival before going solo. He wrote and sang the following songs: 'Snail,' 'Left-handed,' 'Dream of a Goose,' 'Racing Across the Sky,' 'How Fortunate,' 'As Spoken,' 'Lie, Lie, Lie,' 'Compass,' and 'Stone Target.' He is also the author of Fingerprint Hunter, One Day, and Wait For Me, I Will Wait For you.


(Russian) После изучения социологии в Сеульском национальном университете дебютировал с 1х-серийным альбомом Panic в 1995 году. Для групп Geeks, Carnival, Solo и т. д. сочинял и спел такие песни, как <Улитка>, <Левая рука> <Сон гуся> <Бег по небу> “Слава богу> <Как скажешь> <Ложь ложь ложь> <Компас> и <Продавец камня>. Его книги включают “Охотник по отпечаткам пальцев”, “Однажды”, “Я подожду, подожди и ты”.


Myo Yim

Lim Hyoyoung lives a bit far away from South Korea, in a coastal town of the southern hemisphere. It is here where she writes and draws while also studying her two children, who are one year of age difference and who never stop talking. Like a lot of people, she derived great comfort in focusing on and studying the song by Lee Juck in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic that is not going away soon. But she has not lost hope and waits for the return to everyday life. She is the author and illustrator of Laja Street, In the Night Forest, and In Search of Lost Hours. She has illustrated The Wind Is Illuminating the Snow and Getting to Know Your Younger Sibling.

Ahn Hyeyoung

Ahn Hyeyoung majored in Visual Design at Sookmyung Women's University and currently draws illustrations. Swimming Days is her first picture book. She does illustration for pictures books and other media, expressing the deeply heartfelt moments and emotions in her drawings. From America, she worked on Things We Took for Granted by recalling her precious memories of her daily life. While looking forward to returning to Korea in a more comfortable state of mind, she spends her time, drawing everyday.

Park Hyemi

Park Hyemi likes to draw pictures according to what her heart dictates. She also creates small things of that which gave her a memorable and pretty impression. She is the author and illustrator of The Afternoon Curve, My Melancholy, and Private Seasons, which were published by an independent publishing company. What is now the past but will be the present, the autumn and winter…with the hope that the empty sceneries will once again be filled with everyday activities, she did the illustration for Things We Took for Granted.

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On the "Top List of Children’s Book" for 5 weeks

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