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Only 100 Won?


Yang Mijin

Im Yunmi


kidari publishing


Fairy Tale Books


9~12 years old

Overseas Licensing


  • #100 won; money; currency; coin; economy; wealth; donation

Copyright Contact

Michael Kim

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    180 * 225

A book that teaches how even a small amount of money can be useful and valuable.

Book Intro

Dong is a 100 won coin minted in 1990. Somebody dropped the coin by mistake, leaving Dong stuck in a gap between steps for months until a street cleaner finds him. "Dong's journey" as a coin rebegins. A long time ago, Dong was enough to buy 10 packets of instant noodles, but now, 100 won can't even buy a single ice cream. During his journey, Dong witnesses all kinds of emotions that people experience because of money. Some people value 100 won coins, while others disrespect them. Also, there were those who wasted money to enjoy extravagances, failing to understand the true value of money. Through this journey, Dong gets to learn the most sincere and happiest way to spend money.

About the Author

Yang Mijin

When darkness falls at night, and I close my eyes in bed, the fantasy begins to unfold. I would fly on a broomstick or hold a boy's hand and cross a stream together on stepping-stones. I've grown up now, but I still like to close my eyes and dream. Perhaps, because of this, I wish to write books that can dream and grow together with children.

Author Yang Mijin began her literary career when her work, Dokkokji Grandpa, won the Changju Literary Award in 1999. She wrote, Pair Up, and co-wrote The Fine Dust Investigators; A Word of Warmth; and Poop Is a Meal.

Im Yunmi

(English) Born and raised in Seoul, illustrator Im Yunmi earned her B.A. in ceramics from Kookmin University, and her M.A. in illustration from Kookmin University Graduate School of Design. She is currently a teacher who creates stories and illustrations with children. She wrote and illustrated Are Selfies THAT Important?


(French) Elle suit des études en céramique, puis est diplômée de master en illustration à l’Université kookmin. Elle a publié Qu'est-ce qui est selfie ? et illustré les albums tels que C’est juste 10 centimes, On vous apprend notre langue.


(Japanese) 国民大学で陶磁工芸、国民大学デザイン大学院でイラストレーションを専攻した。絵と文を書いた本に 『自撮りが何だ!』、『たかが100ウォンだって?』、『私たちの言葉を教えます』がある。



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