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Poetry and Walks


Han Jeongwon




Literature & Fiction



Overseas Licensing


  • #poetry; nature; healing; meditation

Copyright Contact

Choi Sunhye

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    120 * 200

The words in this book express in meditative, poetic language the thoughts that come to one's mind when taking a walk through nature.

Book Intro

The Flow of Words series consists of 10 volumes that build on each other through Korean wordplay. When one person offers two words, the next person has to build upon the first two words and present an entirely new third word. Readers anticipate the literary effect that results when two authors share the same word. This effect exists as an unwritten narrative between the books, remaining solely in the imaginations of the readers who also participate in this wordplay.

About the Author

Han Jeongwon

The author has gotten used to saying goodbye to people and places. Han began writing poetry in university and directed three short films while acting in numerous others. The poet is particularly interested in people who exist in the periphery. Han wanted to live as an ascetic but this plan did not come to pass; instead, she now spends her days with an old pet cat. She collected the thoughts that came to her during her walks and included them in Poetry and Walks. We hope that upon finishing this book, these beautiful lines of poetry will remain imprinted in the hearts of readers, like fresh footprints. Going forward, Han hopes to continue to write selflessly about others more so than herself.


Korean Publishers' Association, 2020, Most Beautiful Book in Korea

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