- Overview
This is a picture book that expresses marine garbage in funny way with humorous images.
- Book Intro
A large flat fish appeared in front of grandmother, a female diver who was fishing. It begged for a help. The grandmother who was kind said she is going to help. The flat fish turned around her and eventually she turned into a fish with gills. She and the fish arrived at a palace of sea kings and the sea animals suddenly ask for her liver for the sick king of the sea, turtle. She was angry with it but lost her word when she saw the turtle’s face. What did happen to sea animals? Will she make it home safe?
(French) <Visite au Palais du Roi-Dragon >
Un jour, un cardeau apparaît devant une haenyeo, femme plongeuse, et appelle au secours. La dame n’ignore jamais ceux qui sont dans le besoin alors elle lui dit qu’elle l’aidera.
Dès que le cardeau tourne autour de la dame, elle s'aplatit en ayant des branchies. Et puis, le cardeau et la haenyeo pénètre dans la crevasse d’une roche. Ils sont arrivés au magnifique Palais du Roi-Dragon. Mais sitôt qu'ils sont entrés, les animaux marins font s’agenouiller la vieille dame en disant que le Roi-Dragon est malade et ils essaient de prendre le foie de haenyeo. Elle s’emporte contre les animaux mais lorsqu’elle regarde le visage du Roi-Dragon, elle se fige sans savoir quoi dire. Que diable s’est-il passé ?
Le livre illustré traite le grave problème des déchets marins dans son histoire intéressant avec des dessins amusants. Il nous fait penser à des effets papillons causé par les déchets consommés et jetés sans discernement.
- About the Author
Kwon Min-jo
When I was a child, one month before my birthday, I started counting down to my birthday. The seaweed soup that my mom cooked for me in the morning of my birthday always smelled so good and made me feel great. Time passed by, and the seaweed soup that I had after the pain of childbirth felt completely different. This seaweed soup meant that I had become a mom. I then realized that every mother is someone’s daughter. I wrote this book, hoping to deliver a warm-hearted story about the seaweed soup we always have on our birthday.
- Recommendation
Recommended Book for Rights of the Child in Human Rights Library of National Human Rights Commission of Korea
- Selection
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