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Dear Depression
: A record of depressing days that you don’t want to forget despite the pain


Kim hyunji







Overseas Licensing


  • #Human relations; relationship; psychology; essay; comfort

Copyright Contact

Bak Seongah

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    125 * 190

Written by an author who has endured similar pain and agony, this book provides consolation to those suffering from depression.

Book Intro

After being diagnosed with depression, the author began recording her thoughts and emotions in pictures and text and posting them on social media so as not to forget her own ordeals and to provide some comfort to those in similar situations. Her story may not be able to magically lift readers out of their depression, but they will find comfort in knowing that they are not alone. In this book, the author begins her story by opening up her own wounds. In an effort to find her own path, she wonders how she can overcome depression, how she can heal her wounds, and how she should treat those who hurt her.

About the Author

Kim hyunji

Kim Hyunji lives with recurrent depression. She hopes for a world where people in the deep sea of depression are not treated as freaks and tells stories of the adversity she's faced in her own deep sea, touching on delicate and sensitive topics. Kim aspires to write about the process of living with depression and how, if possible, people can overcome depression. Instagram @doliovor

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