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The God of Language Writes a Myth


Tae Dae Bee




Genre Literature


Young Adult

Overseas Licensing


  • #Fantasy; myth; the creation of the world; god of language; child of a god

Copyright Contact

Park Ji Eun

  • Publication Date

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The true myth of the creation of the world begins with his birth.

Book Intro

Ju Hui dies of anger while playing an online game. His last word at the moment of his absurd death was "Sh*t!"

Surprisingly, the supreme god of the fantasy world thinks Ju Hui's last  word is extremely efficient compared to the language of his fantasy world. The supreme god appoints Ju Hui as the god of language and replaces all the languages in the world with Korean.


Before he knows it, Ju Hui has become the god of language. He can understand not only all human languages but also the languages of animals and all beings across the globe. He is also capable of understanding and learning anything written in books.


Gods who are jealous of Ju Hui's super-power plan to kill Ju Hui before he becomes too powerful. Sephiroth, the god of livestock, is one of them. He sends Avok, his divine beast, to kill Ju Hui.  


Avok openly reveals to Ju Hui that he has come to kill him. 

Confronting Avok, Ju Hui pulls out his greatest weapon: his eloquence. 


Will Ju Hui be able to save his life and establish his position as a god?

Let's follow the new myth written by the god of language!





About the Author

Tae Dae Bee

Tae Dae Bee always seeks newness. Believing that novelty is freshest when it is found within familiar things, Tae tries to pay attention to the details of his everyday life and write stories based on his observations. Web-novels so far have little utilized the myths that people are familiar with. Tae uniquely and interestingly rewrites myths in his web-novels. In his original web-novels, Tae skillfully weaves together multiple threads and motifs from various world myths that are warmly loved by many readers. Readers who are looking for a new style of novel may look forward to Tae's future works with excitement.

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