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Here Comes the Black Dog


Song Siwoo




Genre Literature


Young Adult

Overseas Licensing


  • #Novel
  • #Whodunit
  • #Mystery
  • #Depression

Copyright Contact

Lee Youngeun

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    130 * 203

A new full-length novel from Song Siwoo, a rising star in Korea’s genre literature whose previous works have all been optioned for screen adaptations.

Book Intro

Song Siwoo made a sensational appearance on the Korean literary scene in 2014 with her novel The House with Red Lilacs, which was immediately snapped up for a screen adaptation. In 2015, Song published A Running Investigator, a collection of stories based on her experience of working at the National Human Rights Commission of Korea, which earned praise from readers and critics alike. With all of her books optioned for the screen, Song has emerged as a rising star in Korea’s genre literature. Here Comes the Black Dog is her much anticipated new work.

“He probably wanted to kill himself. Because he couldn’t do so, he killed someone else.”

Here Comes the Black Dog starts from the premise that mental illnesses like depression and panic disorders are not matters of willpower but serious problems that cause mental and physical pain as well as social malfunction. The black dog is a metaphor for depression, which has long been a chronic problem in modern society. In Korea, depression and anxiety continue to give rise to severe side effects across society. Through two murder cases, the author explores the controversial issues of mental illness including social prejudice and the confusion caused by conflicting arguments for and against drug treatment for depression. At the same time, the author emphasizes that those suffering from depression are no different from the rest of us.

One day, the half skeletal body of a female university student living on her own is found in a remote mountain forest. Previously, she had told people that she was going on a trip to a new place where nobody knew who she was, and then disappeared only to return as a murder victim. Meanwhile, a graduate student named Park Shim is investigating another murder case and discovers that the man who beat his neighbor to death suffers from severe depression. As it turns out, the accused had been advised to come off antidepressants by the online community “We Are Against Antidepressants” and committed the murder just 17 days after he’d stopped taking antidepressant drugs.

About the Author

Song Siwoo

(Indonesian) Penulis merupakan lulusan S1 jurusan filsafat Korea university. Pada tahun 2008, Ia memulai debutnya sebagai penulis novel detektif saat ia mendapatkan penghargaan sebagai pendatang baru terbaik edisi musim gugur "Misteri musiman". Karyanya yang lain "Rumah yang dipenuhi Liac yang mekar warna kemerahan", "Inspektur yang berlari", "Anjing hitam datang". Ketiga karya tersebut akan segera diangkat menjadi drama. Di antara ketiga karya tersebut, karyanya yang berjudul "Inspektur yang berlari/the running inspector" sudah disiarkan di OCN pda bulan September 2019. Selain menjadi penulis saat ini penulis bekerja di KOMNAS HAM Korea.


(English) Song Siwoo (M) was born in Daejeon and graduated from Korea University with a degree in Philosophy. He began writing mystery novels in earnest after receiving the New Writer Award in the Winter issue of Quarterly Mystery. Books written by Song include, A House Blooming With Red Lilac, The Running Investigator and Black Dog Is Coming. All three works have been confirmed for dramatization, including The Running Investigator, which was broadcast at OCN in September 2019. He has also written the short story collection Bones of a Child

Song works for the Naional Human Rights Commission of Korea. He is very interested in issues surrounding law, ethics and psychiatry.

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