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Big History
: Big History of Life: From the Big Bang to the Present


Choi Minja




Humanities & Society



Overseas Licensing


  • #philosophy; science; history

Copyright Contact

So Kyunghee

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    152 * 225

From the birth of the universe to the present, this book takes the discourse of big history to the next level as it restructures history as a whole in all academic areas, including the natural sciences, humanities, religion, philosophy, politics, culture, and art.

Book Intro

This book interprets all academic fields according to the “grammar” of big history, which consistently interprets and seeks to understand all areas of study, such as the natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, religion, philosophy, politics, culture and the arts. By restructuring everything mentioned above from the perspective of “The Big History of Life”, the discourse on big history is taken to the next level. Through “The Unified Field Theory of Everything,” which includes the unified field theory in natural sciences, it has rebuilt the concept between humans, at the inflection point of the 21st century, and the world. To be more specific, human relationships and the relationship between nature and humanity.
In particular,
1. This book newly systemizes the fact that Big History is not just an accumulation of history but a big history of life.
2. The philosophy of Big History is that life is a journey of spiritual evolution, longing for true and full freedom.
3. With a new contemplation for life, it provides an alternative to modern western civilization which attributed life to “water itself.”
4. It goes beyond the time of world history , engulfed by western ethnocentrism, and seeks the root of human civilization.
5. Going beyond the unilateral social developmental theory, it provides a historical insight viewed from the eternal dimension.
6. We can contemplate how the meaning of everything is connected in this universe and how our lives are affected.

About the Author

Choi Minja

Choi Minja is a professor at the Department of Politics and Diplomacy at Sungshin Women’s University.  Lee studied political science and international relations at Busan University, and received an MA in Politics from Arizona State University, finishing her doctorate degree in Politics at the University of Kent in Canterbury. She was also a visiting professor at Peking University and Yanbian University.
She has written books such as Spinoza’s ideology and Rebirth as a Modern Philosophy, How is New Civilization Created, and various other published papers such as “The Postmodern World, Posthuman and Transhumanism.”

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