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My Dear Friends


Noh Heekyung


Booklog company


Literature & Fiction



Overseas Licensing


  • #family
  • #interpersonal relationship
  • #drama
  • #Noh Heekyung
  • #novel
  • #mother
  • #friendship
  • #life
  • #old age
  • #comfort

Copyright Contact

Kim Okja

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    127 * 188

This book depicts the life, love, and friendship of a mother and her friends seen through the eyes of her daughter, a novelist.

Book Intro

This book is the original work of the drama “My Dear Friends.” It looks into the real lives of our parents and the older people today, which have been hardly dealt with in any drama or novel, gaining huge popularity and praise from all generations.

Wan, the writer in the story, portrays the stories of her mother and her mother’s friends in a forthright, detailed, and somewhat straightforward manner, shifting from the first-person perspective to the third-person perspective. Wan’s descriptions on the other characters are not only pleasurable to read, but also allow readers to get a grasp of their untold stories and emotions
In the beginning of the book, Wan feels that her mother and her mother’s friends are just old folks who are rigid, inflexible, audacious, and selfish. She feels like they are incomprehensible and does not feel like trying to understand them. However, she gradually realizes that those in their 60s and 70s have similar wounds and concerns as she does.

Life is hard for everyone, and the value of life lies in the fact that if we stick together through thick and thin, we can learn the importance of the family and friends with whom we will live the rest of our lives.

Many people might think that, once they get old, they will have no regrets about anything. There will be nothing to be concerned about, to argue about, and to struggle with except for declining health. So being old means that you are no longer the main character of your life and just have to step back, confine yourself in the back room, and live in silence with your mouth shut. These things may be what most of us have thought.

However, writer Noh Heekyung has broken this stereotype and brought these “older people” into the roles of the main characters. These characters say, “I’m the hero of my life! My life is mine, so I’ll live however I want!” They declare, “I’m gonna fly freely like birds before I die on the street,” rather than waiting to die confined in a hospital or nursing home. They storm out of the house because they “feel like having a bottle of dark beer without caring about others.”

Their stories touch the hearts of not only the older generation but also the younger one because, as Noh said, the path they have followed is the one we will take.

About the Author

Noh Heekyung

Having reflected her philosophy of “People are everything” in her dramas for the past 20 years, Noh Heekyung has established her own unique writing world. She has been recognized not only by the public but also by her co-workers for her sincerity in life, her love for people, and her screenplays written with perfection. She has written essays including Everyone Not in Love Is Now Guilty, and numerous screenplays such as Worlds Within, Lie, It's Okay, That's Love, My Dear Friends, and Live. She has written over 8 hours a day for the past 20 years and donates all or part of her royalties whenever she publishes a new book.




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