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The Zoo
: (Russian) Зоопарк


Suzy Lee


BIR Publishing Co., Ltd.


Picture Books


6~8 years old
9~12 years old

Overseas Licensing

Japanese, Sipmlified Chinese, World Spanish


  • #zoo
  • #family
  • #life
  • #imagination
  • #Korean Picture Books Recognized by the World

Copyright Contact

YANG Claire

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    299 * 239

This book describes a zoo seen by a kid through the contrast of the grey silent world and the colorful fantastic world.

Book Intro

(Russian) Зоопарк

Книга рассказывает о прогулке одной семьи в зоопарке. Мама и папа видят зоопарк в серых тонах, он полон молчания и скучен для них. Но для ребенка этот день превращается в незабываемое фантастическое путешествие по удивительному миру.

Как только мама купила ему воздушный шарик в виде павлина, перед ним очутился настоящий павлин! Пока родители в спешке осматривают пустые клетки, ребенок весело резвится с павлином и освобожденными животными. Через некоторое время родители увидели, что ребенка нет рядом, обыскав весь зоопарк, они к счастью находят его спящим на скамье и увозят домой. Но, к сожалению, они так и не увидели улыбающихся в след ребенку животных.


(English) The Zoo

A child goes to a zoo with her mom and dad. The zoo is all grey, quiet and desolate. The family spends the day in the zoo, taking pictures. However, an unforgettable, exciting and fantastic world is open to the kid.

As soon as the kid holds a balloon that her mom bought for her, her eyes meet the eyes of a peacock. While her parents are looking at an empty cage, the kid lets go of the balloon, follows the peacock and plays with other animals. Her mom and dad belatedly realize that their child is missing and search for her. Fortunately, they find their daughter sleeping on the bench and leave the zoo with her, relieved. Of course, they cannot see the animals behind them, smiling brightly at the kid.

Grown-ups tend to think of the zoo as a place only for education. But to children, everything can be an objects of adventure and curiosity. This book dynamically interweaves the gazes of the child and grown-ups, and of reality and imagination.

About the Author

Suzy Lee

(English) Suzy Lee studied painting and book art in Korea and Britain. She graduated with a BFA in Painting from Seoul National University and earned an MA in Book Arts in 2001 from Camberwell College of Arts in London. 

Her picture books have been published in many countries and are highly acclaimed by critics and loved by readers. She has won Korean Publishing Culture Awards, The New York Times Best Illustrated Children’s Books Award, and the Boston Globe–Horn Book Award (Honor). The books she has written and illustrated include Shim Chung; River; Lines; Mirror; Wave; Shadow; and The Zoo. Lee has also illustrated for books, including Dream of Becoming Water; This Beautiful Day; and Open This Little Book. Currently, she is participating in the Vacance Project and running Hintoki Press. 

* Learn more about her at www.suzyleebooks.com


(French) Elle est née à Séoul en 1974. Elle a étudié la peinture et l'art du livre en Corée et en Angleterre. Elle a remporté le prix du plus beau livre de Suisse pour "La nuit du lapin" et a été nommée illustratrice de l'année à la Foire internationale du livre pour enfants de Bologne. "Let's Play Fado" a été sélectionné comme meilleur livre d'images du New York Times en 2008. Elle a remporté le Boston Globe Hon Book Honor Award pour "Ouvrez ce petit livre '' et a été la première Coréenne à être nommée pour le prix Hans Christian Andersen 2016. Ses œuvres comprennent "ZOO", "My Myongwon Painter" et "Open, door !". Il y a des portes, des oiseaux noirs, et "Into the Mirror".



2008 Notable Children's Book in the Language Arts, by the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE)


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Excellent Children's Book, by Open Kids

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