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First love


Kang Gyeongsu


Picture book Gongjackso


Picture Books


6~8 years old
9~12 years old

Overseas Licensing


  • #Picture book for young children
  • #general picture book
  • #design
  • #human relationship

Copyright Contact

Min Chanki

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    220 * 270

The first love between a girl and a boy is captured in different worlds in the top and bottom sections.

Book Intro

A girl appears and a boy approaches. The boy passes her a note and runs away. A pencil line divides the picture horizontally, differentiating the worlds of the girl and the boy. The top of the cross-section shows the girl, whose heart is beating after the boy asks her out, and the bottom shows the boy, who is an innocent kid going to buy a hot dog after asking a girl out. This special configuration shows the personalities and emotions of the two characters while simultaneously showing how men and women who are in love are not all that different.
This kind of composition, which is rarely seen in picture books, highlights the beating heart of the girl and the escalation of the boy's crisis separately but clearly. You can look forward to the two separated worlds reuniting and the boy and girl falling back in love!

The first trembling of the heart that was too pure to be called love - experience that innocence for yourself!

About the Author

Kang Gyeongsu

(English) Kang loves to doodle, daydream and goof around with his son, Parang. Kang began drawing as he drew comics and is now an author loved for all his work. The Codename series is a realization of Kang’s long imagined dream. Kang has illustrated for many story books and some of his own books include The unbelievable story, I’ll give you a flower, The snowstorm, The big fart, My Mom, Why x 100, etc. Kang received the Ragazzi award in the nonfiction category at the 2011 Bologna Children’s Book Fair for his work The unbelievable story.


(French) Elle aime gribouiller et rêvasser. Les livres qu'elle a écrits et dessinés étaient « Une histoire comme un mensonge » et « Je suis en colère ! ». Et d'autres comme Gros pet, ma mère, Pourquoi x100 et les séries Codename. Il a remporté le Ragazzi Award for Non-Fiction à la Foire internationale du livre pour enfants de Bologne 2011 pour "Une histoire comme un mensonge".


(Vietnamese) Thích việc vẽ tranh tường và những điều không tưởng, và thích chơi đùa với con trai mình, Ppa-rang. Bắt đầu từ việc vẽ tranh và vẽ truyện tranh, bây giờ đã trở thành một nhà văn được độc giả yêu mến với mỗi tác phẩm được cho ra mắt. Thời gian qua đã vẽ tranh cho nhiều truyện cổ tích thiếu nhi như  bộ truyện "Code name", "câu chuyện như một lời nói dối", "Tiếng đánh rắm khổng lồ". Tác phẩm "câu chuyện như một lời nói dối" đã nhận giải xuất sắc Giải thưởng Lagazi cho hạng mục tiểu thuyết hư cấu tại Triển lãm sách Bologna năm 2011.


(Russian) Автор предпочитает работать в стиле каракулей и фэнтэзи, любит играть со своим сыном. Работая над комиксами, постепенно перешел к иллюстрированию детских книг. Сейчас каждая книга - это настоящее художественное произведение. Среди его книг серия "Кодовое имя", "История, непохожая на правду", "Я в гневе!", "Большой пук", "Моя мама", "Почему Х 100" и др. В 2011 г. - "История, непохожая на правду" получила главный премия в номинации нон-фикшн на Болонской книжной ярмарке.


Sharing Literature for Children, 3rd quarter of 2019

Bestseller Rank

Aladin, 2019, Ranked 12 in May

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