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Yujin and Yujin


Lee Geum Yi


Prooni Books, Inc.


Adolescent Literature


9~12 years old
Young Adult

Overseas Licensing

Chinese, Vietnamese, French


  • #Children's literature; Adolescent Literature; family; relationship; children's story

Copyright Contact

Lee Hyojin

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    128 * 188

This book is a coming-of-age story that explores the issue of child sexual abuse.

Book Intro

Lee Geum-yi has previously published children's books and novels that contain realistic portrayals of social reality. In Yujin and Yujin, she deals with the serious social issue of child sexual abuse.
Through the delicate portrayal of the psychology of Big Yujin and Little Yujin, who were raped together when they were little, Lee follows their daily lives while at the same time exploring the grave subject matter of sexual violence in a mood that is not excessively dark or bleak.
Such narrative devices as the chance meeting between the two namesakes at middle school and the peculiar psychology of another protagonist who does not remember them at all add to the intrigue of the story. In addition, the interlocking narrative delicately conveys the contrasting inner worlds of the two protagonists and draws us deeper into the story. Lee states In reality, we can only choose one path to follow when we face a forked road, but in this fictional world, I wanted my readers to experience more than two versions of reality through different characters.
Furthermore, one of the book's virtues lies in the insight into the minds of adolescent girls, who can be even more mature than grown-ups sometimes, as they share their interests in the opposite sex and the new media pervading the world and partake in lively conversations.

About the Author

Lee Geum Yi

(English) Lee debuted as a writer when her work in children’s literature was selected for the 1984 Sebut Literary Award. She is committed to writing stories that breathe warmth and light into the shadowed hearts of children. Her books include the children’s literary titles, Like a Wild Princess, One Night, You Are a Twilight Lily Also, the Bamti Village series, as well as the young adult fiction May I Go There?, Aloha, My Mothers, Eugene and Eugene, and Youth Epitaph. In 2020 she was selected as the Korean candidate for the Hans Christian Andersen Award, known widely as the Nobel prize in children’s literature.


(Japanese) 児童青少年文学作家。1990年代から2000年代にに続いた韓国児童文学の爆発的な成長と共に青少年文学の道を切り開く作品数十種を発表し、読者や評論家たちの心を魅了してきた。 特に、幼い読者からの要望で続々と続編が生まれた童話『バンティ村』3部作、長編童話『君もチョウセンカサユリだ』、本格的な青少年文学の出発点となった『ユジンとユジン』などが長年愛されている。これまでソチョン児童文学賞、ユン・ソクジュン文学賞、バン・ジョンファン文学賞などを受賞し、2020、2024年のハンス・クリスチャン・アンデルセン賞の韓国候補に公式指名された。


(Indonesian) Seorang penulis sastra untuk anak-anak dan remaja. Ia telah memikat hati para pembaca dan kritikus dengan menerbitkan banyak karya sastra yang mengakibatkan pertumbuhan pesat sastra anak-anak Korea, serta kelahiran dan perkembangan sastra remaja pada tahun 1990-an dan 2000-an. Trilogi dongeng "Desa Bamti," yang dibuat sekuel atas permintaan para pembaca anak, dongeng bersambung 『Kau pun Bunga Lili』, dan 『Yujin & Yujin』 yang telah menjadi titik utuh permulaan sastra remaja, pada khususnya selalu dicintai oleh anak-anak, para remaja, dan orang dewasa. Sementara itu, Ia menerima Penghargaan Sastra Anak Socheon di tahun 2007, Penghargaan Sastra Yoon Seokjung di tahun 2012, dan Penghargaan Sastra Bang Junghwan di tahun 2015, serta di tahun 2020 secara resmi dinominasikan sebagai kandidat perwakilan Korea Selatan untuk Penghargaan Hans Christian Andersen, sebuah anugrah bagi sastra anak dan remaja paling bergengsi di dunia.


Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education Library, September 2011, Recommended Book


National Library for Children & Young Adults, Library Service Council for Children and Young Adults, Recommended Book

Bestseller Rank

Aladdin, 2013, The Best Adolescent Book Selected by Reader

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