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Girls’ Talk
: What They Don’t Tell You about Puberty






Children's Other Books


9~12 years old

Overseas Licensing



  • #Essay for teenagers
  • #puberty
  • #sex education
  • #2020 Visiting Japan
  • #Visiting Korean Book Fair 2021 France&Belgium

Copyright Contact

Irene Lee

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    148 * 210

A book that talks openly about our experiences, like a reliable big sister. What looks embarrassing might not be so embarrassing after all, when you put it out there.

Book Intro

(French) Les filles parlent

Nous examinons la vie quotidienne, les expériences et l'esprit des adolescentes qui traversent la puberté. Les écrits et les peintures contiennent honnêtement le désir sexuel et la masturbation chez les adolescentes, et les troubles dépressifs à l'adolescence, qui ont été exposés à des caractéristiques sexuelles secondaires, un complexe d'apparence, entre autres, offrant la sympathie et le confort dont les adolescentes ont le plus besoin. Il offrira également aux lecteurs adultes l'occasion de revenir sur leur adolescence et d'avoir une nouvelle perspective sur qui ils sont maintenant.


(English) Girls’ Talk

■ Open and entertaining; entertaining but insightful!

Girls’ Talk starts from the period when the author first experiences the development of secondary sex characteristics. She is disappointed that the voluptuous cleavage she sees in her mother’s magazine seem like an impossibility to her, and she is utterly devastated to discover messy hair growing on her underarm. Young readers will find themselves laughing as they encounter anecdotes about how she lacked knowledge about menstruation and misconstrued the dried blood stain on her panties as poop, or how she tore a page with a dirty story from her mother’s magazine, kept it in her desk drawer, and read it until the paper fell apart. 

But the book is more than a couple of amusing anecdotes. Through the story about an inferiority complex about her looks, she declares that she “didn’t hate but feared her ugliness”, criticizing the blind lookism that considers “ugliness an inferior trait”. It also questions the social attitude that characterizes teenage girls’ sexual desire as more passive and defensive than that of teenage boys. 

As such, Girls’ Talk speaks about natural changes that people go through during puberty, while at the same time providing a penetrating insight into areas that need improvement. What is so remarkable about this book is the way it seamlessly blends the critical voice into stories that vividly capture the reality teenage girls face. 

■ We need more stories of ourselves

Girls’ Talk tells with ease the daily inconveniences and pain that women go through. Although anecdotes about menstruation, PMS or how underwear is too uncomfortable and tight (as it focuses more on fancy design than comfort), are presented from the author’s viewpoint, she is not alone. The degree may vary, but those are things that most women have thought about at least once in their lives. These accounts of the author are tools that evoke in readers their own memories and empathy, which are further expanded and linked to become a general story of teenage girls, and ultimately, of women as a whole. 

The author intends to share stories of women—something she needed and wanted so badly but simply couldn’t find when she was young.

About the Author


(English) Ida is an illustrator, author, and artist engaged in freelance work. Her diary entries, essays, and illustrations, imbued with everyday irony and humor, have enjoyed great popularity. Her works include Ida’s Sloppy Life and Girl Talk, and the “With My Hands” travel book series, which includes Bali with My Hands, a travel note on Bali, 100% hand-written and illustrated. She also wrote Scribble, Scribble, Street Drawings, for those who want to record their daily life and travels by drawing, and gives lectures and workshops for drawing. Since 2019, she has published “Daily Everyday Deadline,” a newsletter focusing on daily creative activity. She aspires to express as much as possible through her art. 


(French) Illustrateur ou travailleur artistique occasionnel. Elle a créé Anna, un personnage arrogant et affectueux dans "Parler vrai" et "Parler vrai à l'étranger" et "Parler vrai avec des inconnus". Elle a organisé six expositions individuelles, dont incomplètes et Nai Da-jeon, et a publié huit livres, dont Walking small et Chiang Mai and Les filles parlent de ses propres mains. Elle travaille maintenant en tant que rédactrice en chef du Daily Closing du Daily Magazine.


(Vietnamese) Là họa sĩ, người vẽ tranh minh họa, lao động nghệ thuật không chính thức. Sinh năm 1982 tại Pohang, theo học chuyên ngành Cơ đốc giáo và sáng tác văn học tại Đại học Nữ sinh Seoul. Đầu những năm 2000,  bắt đầu thu hút sự chú ý với việc thể hiện chân thật nội tâm đen tối và bí ẩn của mình dưới dạng nhật ký bằng tranh với tác phẩm " ". Nhân vật tự truyện xuất hiện trong tác phẩm cũng được gọi bằng cái tên “đứa bé gái trưởng thành”.


(Japanese) 画家、イラストレーター、また非正規職芸術労働者。1982年浦港で生まれ、ソウル女子大学でキリスト教学と文芸創作学を専攻した。2000年代序盤、絵日記形で自分の暗くて隠密な内面を率直に表現した《イダの無駄なこと》で注目され始め、作品に登場する自伝的キャラクターは‘大人女の子’という修飾で言われることもあった。


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