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Because it's school
: (Russian) Это же школа


Kim Hyeon

Hong Kihan




Fairy Tale Books


9~12 years old

Overseas Licensing


  • #disabled people
  • #human rights
  • #education
  • #solidarity
  • #schools
  • #selfishness
  • #development
  • #regional issues
  • #special schools
  • #friendship
  • #Visiting Korean Book Fair 2021 Russia
  • #Video Conference

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Lee Keumjeong

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    153 * 215

This book is a heart-warming and lovely children's story that raises sensitivity about human rights.

Book Intro

(Russian) Это же школа

Здоровая я хожу в школу напротив моего дома, но почему моему младшему братику-инвалиду нужно полтора часа, чтобы пойти в школу? 

Семья Чо Ын, которая переехала в новую квартиру, любит первую купленную квартиру. Люди в квартире протестуют против открытия специальной школы, и мать Чо Ын также обеспокоена заявлением о том, что специальная школа будет построена вместо большого торгового центра рядом с квартирой. Чо Ын, выступавшая против специальных школ, узнает о жизни инвалидов через своего друга Юн Со, у которого есть младший брат с ограниченными возможностями. Противостояние между квартирантами и семьями детей с ограниченными возможностями продолжается, и Чо Ын и ее друзья, которые наблюдали за этим, находят идею ... Это задушевная сказка, в которой рассказывается о правах человека, школе и солидарности.


(English) Because it's school 

We are healthy and go to a school close to our house, but why does my little brother, who is physically challenged, have to go to a school so far away?

An empty space in the neighborhood where a school for children with special needs is supposed to be built. A conflict escalates between people who oppose the special needs school and mothers of children with disabilities.

The conflict begin to effect the children and their classrooms, and Joeun, who meets Minseo came up with an idea....

What will happen to the children's plan? As children learn more about the lives of disabled people, their hearts open up. This story sends messages about school education, the rights of disabled people and solidarity.

Children's cute provocations to make a better life for disabled people "I've never thought about a special needs school."

"But you don't have a younger sister with a disability.""I don't know what to do about Minseo.""You don't have to do anything for her."

The main characters, Joeun and Yoonseo, exchange conversations about things that people without disabilities feel but can not speak out loud. As they do, they think about strangers who become closer once you get to know them, and are reminded that they will become closer with Minseo only if they get to know each other better. The children also touch on the issue of the right of disabled children to education as they discuss the special needs school and ask, "This is a school, right? Why do we have to kneel and beg for the students' rights?"

This is a children's story that depicts the reality of both disabled people and grown-ups

Joeun's mom and dad said that the house was expensive, but once they bought it, they wanted the price to keep increasing. Neighbors living in Joeun's apartment protest against the building of a special needs school. But because there is no such school nearby, the disabled child Minseo must travel three hours every day to commute. When she comes home after school and receives treatment, it is already late into the night. As such, the story reveals the behaviors and stereotypes of adults towards disabled people and clearly conveys different types of disabilities and the lives of families with disabled members. 

About the Author

Kim Hyeon

(English) Kim Hyeon was born and raised in Goheung, South Jeolla Province. She began her writing career when she won the Munhwa Ilbo New Writer's Award for her work, Will the Thunder and Lightning Stop? She received the 2016 Jeong Chae-Bong Literary Award and the 2017 Creation Fund from the Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture. She has also written Splitting the Wind. She currently works as a teacher at special school for disabled children.

(Russian) В начале пути автора его работа “Останавливаются ли гром и молния?” была выбрана лучшей газетой Мунхва Ильбо. Получил литературную премию Чун Чэбонга в 2016  году и грант от Сеульского фонда искусств и культуры в 2017 году. Среди книг автора: “Разделение ветра”, “Счастливые люди с ограниченными возможностями” и “Защитите черепашью скалу Хэпён”. В настоящее время работает приглашенным преподавателем вместе с детьми с ограниченными возможностями.


Hong Kihan

Hong Gihan (M), as a boy, liked pictures and books and became the father of two children. He hopes that his children will look into his illustration books and dream of happiness. His works include Living Bones; Joy and Sorrow Sway; Big Tree; Fresh and Funny Stories; Body: How to Grow Well; Jeju: A Volcanic Island Crafted by Fire and Water; and I'll Give You Dried Persimmons, No More Tears!

(For further information, visit brazi1.blog.me)


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