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Everything Else


Lim Seung-yu


Hyundae Munhak Publishing Co., Ltd.


Literature & Fiction



Overseas Licensing


  • #Korean poem
  • #colletion
  • #Modern Literature

Copyright Contact

Mo Heejin

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    104 * 182

This book is a collection of twenty poems that immediately take you to a deeper and strange place by making you smaller and giving more space to others.

Book Intro

The Volume 2, Modern Literature Pin series is a poetry collection of 6 poets, Kim Haengsook, Oh Eun, Lim Seung-yu, Lee Won, Kang Sungeun, and Kim Kitaek. The book proposes a reader to read poems in a different way, in a hope that the book serves as a pin that connecting literature and readers. While the Volume 1 focused on exploring the current address and direction of Korean poetry, this Volume 2 seeks to reveal the uniqueness of each of 6 writers. 


"By making us smaller and giving more space to others," (commentary by poet Sung Donghyuk) twenty poems included in Everything Else by Lim Seung-yu allow us to enjoy her profound and unique poetic world, who won the Kim Joonsung Literary Award and the Hyundae Literary Award in succession after her poetry debut in 2011 with I Gave Birth to a Baby because I Thought I Am Not Enough by Myself. 


Six poets in Volume 2, Modern Literature Pin series also wrote essays with the theme of "bodies" for the collection. Lim Seung-yu's essay Only Bones Remain adopts an impressive episode of cartoon characters to delve into the human relationship as if by "deboning." It is an essay where the aesthetic of the poet, who approaches things meticulously, really stands out.

About the Author

Lim Seung-yu

Lim Seung-yu was born in Geosan, North Chungcheon Province in 1973 and debuted in 2011. Her poem I Gave Birth to a Baby because I Thought I Am Not Enough by Myself, won the Kim Joonsung Literary Award and the Hyundae Literary Award.

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