- Overview
Once, 10 years ago, 'he' was a target of the vicious murderer Noh Namyong, and the criminal is about to be released from prison. A hard-boiled thriller of a man who sets a desperate but elaborate trap to send his aggressor back to jail!
- Book Intro
(Japanese) 10年前、自分を殺そうとした悪魔のような殺人鬼ノ・ナンヨンの出所を迎えて、彼を再び刑務所に戻すため緻密に罠をかける、ある男の凄絶な話を書いた、ハードボイルドスリラー!
Noh Namyong is a so-called super star in the crime world. He gained the title of the most notorious murderer after committing murders and rapes, and he is now about to be released. He has received a light punishment with support from his rich parents, but he has lost his freedom, the most precious thing to him that he is most afraid of losing.
There is one man who has waited for him to be released. This man is called a hunter and has set a trap to send Noh back to prison, because in his words “The bastard deserves harsh punishment. He has never been severely punished. He's only ever gotten slaps on the wrist due to his privileged background.”
The novel Abyss tells the story of a man who became a monster to fight against a monstrous murderer. That murderer is evil and ingenious, so he must have a detailed and sophisticated plan. Even a single mistake is unacceptable. The thriller fiction novel Abyss evokes tension with sentences and narratives that continues until the end.
The novel follows the different perspectives of three people who all have connection with Noh Namyong: a man called a "hunter," a street fighter who has to kill Noh Namyong to enter into an extraordinary company, and a man called Sir who has euthanized 491 people with drugs and gas. These three different people have only one purpose. This purpose is to make the murderer Noh face proper punishment. “Namyong, now it’s time for you to return to the theme park of punishment and sorrow and meet people like you, those who also despise you.”
The writer Ban Siyeon says that he wanted to ask whether we would be able to protect ourselves in a society where criminals do not receive due punishment. His novel features a delicate narrative with an elegant writing style though the story is filled with violence and swear words. The twist in the end is the best part of this novel, catching readers in the trap the author has set.
- About the Author
Ban Siyoen
(Japanese) 小説家。1983年釜山で生まれた。他の作品では『サガ』、『憂鬱な夕方の怪たち』、『湿度8ページ』、『幽霊の歌』、『曇りまた雨また豪雨』シリーズがある。
A novelist, Ban Siyoen was born in 1983 in Busan. His other works include Saga, Gloomy Evening Goedeul, Humidity Page 8, Songs of Ghosts and Cloudy, as well as the Rain or Pour series.
- Recommendation
"I was overwhelmed by the last page, where it is revealed that it was not Noh Namyong but "I" who fell into the trap." - Jeong Eunjeong (reader)
- Selection
The 2019 Busan International Film Festival, Asian Film Market, Book-to-Film Selection (selected by the Busan International Film Festival, Asian Film Market)