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Proper Atopy Diet
: There is No Good Food for Aatopy If You Eat Too Much


Lee Gilyoung


Y-Gelli Books


Science & Technology



Overseas Licensing



  • #atopy
  • #diet
  • #oriental medicine
  • #skin diseases

Copyright Contact

Cho Dongwook

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    148 * 210

The book introduces how to cure atopy through proper diet that improves the regulation of immune system.

Book Intro

Principles of diet based on 20 years of medical know-how from a Korean Medicine doctor specializing in atopy!

The atopy diet is completely different from diets for lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, arteriosclerosis and kidney disease patients. It is also very different a diet for growing children or the average person. This book is purely a dietary guide for atopic patients.

Atopy is affected by a variety of factors, including heredity, diet, environment, stress, and disease. Therefore, if atopy patients and their caregivers eat only one specific thing known to be good for atopy or apply it to the skin, it will only fail.

Atopy is a disease that improves by not eating a certain food or eating less. However, non-specialists make well-meaning suggestions such as to eat natural foods, eat a lot of fermented foods, or eat a lot of seasonal fruits. But there is no food that is good for atopy if you eat too much. Excessive nutrition causes atopy.

This book focuses on dietary principles such as the atopy diet, allergenic foods such as eggs, milk, and soybeans, and precautions when composing an atopy diet. It includes ways to properly control and manage various factors that impact atopy such as environmental issues, cosmetics, stress, diseases, etc.

Improving and restoring the immune system through diet is the answer!

The immune system of atopic patients is naturally more sensitive than the average person, but in many cases the problem becomes worse due to poor treatment and management. The solution is to reestablish the immunity of the gastrointestinal tract, which can accumulate waste from various excessive nutrients, repair the damaged skin barrier to treat the symptoms and, going forward, improve the systemic immune system. That's the reason why the right treatment and the right diet are necessary, and the fast and right way to get rid of the pain of atopy.

I hope, through this book, readers can become smart atopy patients who understand the disease properly and also hope this serves as an opportunity to strengthen the belief that atopy can be prevented to a significant degree by self-regulating immunity and, eventually, even cured.

About the Author

Lee Gilyoung

Lee Gilyoung (M) is a Korean medcine doctor in Ophthalmology, Otolaryngology and Dermatology.  He graduated from Kyung Hee University Korean Medicine and completed medical training in ophthalmology, otolaryngology and dermatology at Kyung Hee University Korean Medicine Hospital. He worked as clinical director and professor at Bundang Cha Hospital and KyungHee University Korean Medicine Hospital and treated many atopic patients. In particular, he specializes in the field of food allergies and has published a number of papers, including a review of the role of food allergies in early childhood atopic dermatitis and clinical studies of early childhood atopic dermatitis.

He opened HerbKorean Medicine Clinic, which specializes in treatments for various intractable skin diseases such as atopy, hives and steroid side effects.

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