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Searching for Hidden Sound


Ha Shin-Ha

Yang Kyunghee


Baram Books


Fairy Tale Books


6~8 years old
9~12 years old

Overseas Licensing


  • #family
  • #Love
  • #emotion
  • #honesty
  • #self-esteem
  • #fantasy
  • #imagination
  • #magic

Copyright Contact

Kim Jaei

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    148 * 210

Searching for Hidden Sound is a book that depicts stories surrounding a mysterious figure who is only visible to Jihye's family. The book conveys conveys a message to be honest with your feelings and to listen to your inner heart.

Book Intro

It is time to listen to the sound of your inner heart!

Searching for Hidden Sound has multiple narrators, with Jihye's mother, Mrs. Han Sung-sil, Maeng Ji-hye herself, and her father, Mr. Maeng Wan-seok, all taking turns telling their stories. The three family members all appear as narrators and share their stories and each story is independent of the other two. However, in all three stories, mysterious figures who are only visible to the main character appear. To Mrs Han Sung-sil, the invisible figure is a model student. To Jihye, it is Jihye's cat "Hago," which she raises secretly in her room. And to Mr. Maeng Wan-seok, the figure is a talkative boy. These strange characters suddenly appear and disappear.

Jihye takes in the abandoned cat and gives it the name of 'Hago', meaning the cat from heaven, and takes good care of it behind her mother's back. The cat tells Jihye, "If you want to say something, you should," then suddenly disappears. In addition, there is no trace of the cat ever having lived in her Room. Did it really exist? Anyway, thanks to the cat's support, Jihye is able to tell her mother everything she wanted to say, and she realizes that she may have trouble if she just does whatever she feels like doing. 

Everything is strange about the boy who appeared to Mr. Maeng Wan-suk, who lives separated from his family and works at a remote weather station. A child who was discovered in a warehouse suddenly and then disappeared. Even though they spent so much time talking together, strangely no one saw him. But the child is not just a ghost, because the stories that the child talked about have a special meaning. The child's fictional stories were like a mosaic projection of the dreams of the now-adults who worked at the weather station. Maeng Wan-seok can finally express his suppressed longing for his family. Dreams and imagination are like flags on the path to happiness.

The child at the library, the smart cats, and the boy are all the dreams and images that Jihye's family have buried deep inside their hearts. And these dreams and images are in a way their true selves. Han Sung-sil, who had always been strict with children at the library, wanted to please them. Jihye, who is usually just a good kid and easily give up on her dreams, sometimes wants to release her true feelings to the world, even when they're not so polite. That is why Jihye's father, Maeng Wan-suk, went to the warehouse in search of a boy. Herds of butterflies, worms, and ants poured out as if the closed doors opened up the heart in his imagination. It is natural that changes to a frustrating and boring daily routine come from the heart. It may be a fantasy or a dream or even magic. Who knows my heart if I don't? So, one day, if a stranger comes to us, we should welcome him. In this way, Searching for Hidden Sounds recommends the reader to listen honestly to their heart and emotions. 

About the Author

Ha Shin-Ha

Ha Shin-Ha (M) was born in Daejeon in 1970. She bumps into things and falls easily but gets up like nothing happened. Ha previously worked as a broadcast writer and now she works with children in a small library at Asan, South Chungnam Province. She dreams of having a wonderful garden and being able to talk freely with animals like Grandma Tasha. Ha co-authored Run Wheel.

Yang Kyunghee


School Librarian Council, 2012

Gyeonggi-do Office of Education, 2012

Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, 2012, Good Literature & Literal Arts Books

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