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Wine Meets Culture


Jang Hong




Humanities & Society



Overseas Licensing


  • #France
  • #wine
  • #Bordeaux
  • #Pompidou
  • #Olympos

Copyright Contact

Yoon Soomi

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    153 * 225

This is an essay-style book that illuminates wine from various points of view.

Book Intro

This book is a story of wine told by a wine man, Dr Jang Hong, who has been in love with wine for over 25 years while living in France. It is an essay-style book that illuminates wine from various points of view. The author describes the culture, economy, society and art found in wine. It also acts as a liberal arts book for humanities and social sciences, not just a simple story on wine, since it handles a wide range of topics, such as wine and love, wine and war, wine and literature, wine and food, wine and fraud, and wine and power. In addition, he has made an attempt at acute cultural criticism through wine, including the popularization and globalization of wine, climate warming and the future of wine.

Also, what effects wine has on people and the reasons why people are getting more and more fanatical about wine are examined. The author has tried to stick to an objective perspective, seeing opposing points of view and not overlooking the dark side of wine, which includes scams and speculation. While unraveling the multifaceted story of wine, the meticulous and thoughtful words really shine. In this book, the author has tried to share his knowledge and feelings rather than just evaluating the wine.

About the Author

Jang Hong

Jang Hong (M) majored History at Sungkyunkwan University and received a Degree of Profound Studies (D.E.A.) and PhD in International Relations at the Universite de Haute-Alsace (D.E.S.S) with "Research on the European Integration and Public Opinions in Germany and France." He has acted as an EU specialist while living in Strasbourg, Alsace, France for over 20 years as a member of an advisory committee at the Alsace Development Agency and a representative of the Korean mission. He is cultivating an extraordinary affection for wine. Books he has written include Putting French Culture in a Wine Bottle, A New Understanding of European Union, and Wine & Culture: A Story of Wine Told with Culture.

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