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Mommy's Voice 5 Minutes a Day
: Time for Reading Prenatal Children's Stories, Children Learning Love


Jeong Hong

Kim Seungyeon


Wisdom House, Inc


Picture Books



Overseas Licensing


  • #prenatal education
  • #children's stories
  • #childcare
  • #mom
  • #emotional stability

Copyright Contact

Julia Kwon

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    174 * 197

This book includes ten creative children's stories that mothers can immerse themselves in as well as children can. The emotional stability of mothers and the emotional immunity of children are developed by learning to recognize positive feelings, such as happiness, pleasure, joy and excitement, as well as negative feelings, such as sadness, melancholy and resentment.

Book Intro

These days, the market is flooded with numerous prenatal ​education methods as its importance is on the rise. But nobody can be sure which method is the best. Scientifically, it's not easy to quantify the effect that solving math problems has on the development of a fetus' brain or that of listening to English or classical music on a child's intelligence and personality. But one thing for sure is that the more emotionally stable the parents are, the more likely the child will have peaceful mind and a nice personality.

Mommy's Voice 5 Minutes a Day started from exactly these two points, "emotionally stable parents" and "children with healthy minds." The most common form of prenatal education is "children's stories spoken in mom's voice." However, to your disappointment, most of the stories are shortened versions of classic children's stories or restructured didactic stories you've heard of somewhere. The focus is always only on stimulating the fetus' brain with the mother's voice.

To overcome this limitation, Mommy's Voice 5 Minutes a Day is composed of "children's stories for mom" and "children's stories" for moms to tell to an unborn child. In particular, the ten creative children's stories written by the author are special in that they allow mom and child to experience various feelings and emotions. The author wanted to write children's stories that could be fun, moving and not limited to the function of "prenatal" education. Through these children's stories, he quietly whispers into our ears the hope and anticipation with which the child waits for the world.

About the Author

Jeong Hong

While writing for various publications and broadcast documentaries, Jeong Hong (M) jumped into the world of imagination because he wanted to become "a dad who writes children's stories." The idea of writing "prenatal children's stories for moms" came to him as he made up stories at his wife's bedside while she was pregnant with each of their three children. He has personally experienced that the parents' imagination is truly the child's emotional nutrition. Even now, he is still diligently writing down stories found at the border between imagination and reality. 



Kim Seungyeon

Kim Seungyeon (F) studied Design at Hongik University and worked as a designer at Ahn Graphics Publishers. At present, she is operating "Textcontext," which is a graphic studio as well as independent publisher. She plans to continuously create picture books that feel new every time you read them and are like friends you want to place next to you and see through your whole life, not just books you read once and forget about.  



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