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: (Russian) Одна тень


Seung-yeon Chae




Picture Books


3~5 years old
6~8 years old
9~12 years old
Young Adult

Overseas Licensing

French, Danish, Chinese


  • #coexistence
  • #together
  • #shadows
  • #friends
  • #animals
  • #imagination
  • #creativity
  • #art
  • #Korean Picture Books Recognized by the World
  • #2021 Visiting Korean Book Fair North America
  • #Video Conference
  • #2022 Visiting Korean Book Fair-Japan
  • #2022 Visiting Korean Book Fair-Vietnam

Copyright Contact

Kim Byoungoh

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    205 * 245

This picture book asks the question, "What is coexistence?"

Book Intro

Oh! shade! A big shadow! A bear and a fox take shelter there. Then a giraffe, a lion, a raccoon…followed by other animals. Oh no ! The shadow is shrinking!

The animals arrive one after the other then all lounge in the shade of a tree trunk. But suddenly the shadow shrinks. A little, then more and more... The animals pile up on top of each other. But what are they going on? The trunk turns out to be a funny tower and the animals, a child's toys. The child takes his tower but returns with a beautiful umbrella. The toys are safe again! But goodbye wooden figurines, hello imagination. We find the animals in the flesh. The umbrella is now a beautiful tree with generous foliage.

About the Author

Seung-yeon Chae

(English) She loves the forest more than the ocean, but she lives next to the ocean. She loves the green of the forest, and She enjoys strolling around through the green. She also loves the sound of Boknyangssi and Chichi purring, and the feel of them rubbing against her. 

On a day of bright sunlight, at a time when stray cats were resting under the shadow cast by a tree, she suddenly came up with the idea for her first picture book, A Shadow. She prays that the days when humans and animals live in harmony will continue.

* 2019 Bolonga Ragazzi Award, Opera Prima Winner


(Japanese) 海よりも森が好きだが、今は海の前で暮らしています。我が家のポクニャンさんとチチがゴロゴロと鳴く音、スリスリとしてくる感触が好きです。日差しの強かったあの日、木陰で野良猫たちが休んでいたあの日、ぼーっとその姿を見つめている時に私の初めての絵本となった「ひとつの影」が思い浮かびました。動物と人が一緒に幸せに生きていく日々になればと願っています。


(Vietnamese) Tôi thích rừng hơn biển, nhưng bây giờ tôi lại đang sống bên một bờ biển. Tôi thích đi dạo trong rừng xanh. Vào một ngày nắng ấm, khi những chú mèo hoang nghỉ ngơi dưới bóng cây, tôi đã vô tình nhìn thấy nó, và tôi nghĩ đến cuốn sách đầu tiên của mình <Một cái bóng>. Tôi hy vọng rằng động vật và con người có thể sống hạnh phúc mãi mãi bên nhau.


(Russian) Я живу у самого моря, хотя мне больше по душе лес. Люблю ходить по лесу посреди густой зелени. Люблю гладить моих кошек и слушать их мурлыканье. Как-то в знойный солнечный день я увидела, как в тени под деревом отдыхают уличные коты. Пока я наблюдала за ними, мне в голову пришла идея моей первой книги с иллюстрациями «Одна тень». Я надеюсь, что наступят дни, когда люди и животные смогут счастливо жить вместе.




Bologna Children's Book Fair, 2019, Bolonga Ragazzi Award, Opera Prima


Happy Reading in the Morning, 2019, Recommended book

School Library Journal, 2019, Recommended book


Ministry of Cultures, Sports, and Tourism, 2018, Sejong Books for Sharing Literature

Book Culture Foundation, 2019, Selected book for Bookstart

Book Culture Foundation, 2019, Selected book for Bookwings

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