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Nobody Writes Well at First
: Fun and Empathetic Writings on SNS to Essays


Lee Dahye


Wisdom House, Inc


Humanities & Society


Young Adult

Overseas Licensing


  • #writing
  • #review
  • #columns
  • #SNS
  • #essay
  • #writing
  • #sentences
  • #writer
  • #essayist

Copyright Contact

Julia Kwon

  • Publication Date

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  • Dimensions

    140 * 205

This book is an introduction to step-by-step writing by essayist Lee Dahye.

Book Intro

In the era of essays, we have a craving for our writing to be read by other people. But once you face the blinking cursor on a white page of your notebook screen, you don't know what to write. What do you need to do if you want to start writing? What do you have to do if you want to write well? How can I write something I like that other people can also identify with? This book is an introduction to writing for people who want to write but don't know how by the essayist Lee Dahye. It accurately points out which areas people are concerned about in writing and suggests methods for readers who want to know how to "organize well and convey" their thoughts and experiences. She also tells many stories about how to become yourself while writing and how to write continuously without it loosing its fun. This book is organized into steps. The first step helps you throw away your fears of writing and learn the basics. The second step explains the easiest way to start writing, by writing about movies or books you have seen or read. The third step talks about how to bring the writing closer to your life and turn it into a driving force. The fourth step is about how to wrap up and revise writing, which is just as important as starting to write. The fifth step is a guideline for people who wants to be essayists, including how to write longer and how to write a proposal. At the back of the book, there is a list of questions you should ask yourself before writing and a Q&A clinic with answers to the most frequently asked questions she received while giving special lectures on writing. Lee Dahye once had write's block as well, and someone told to her that she should take some time every day to just write anything. So she opened up a blank document and typed "Let's write anything," but she could not think of anything to write afterwards. She says she is still walking a tightrope between ease and difficulty when she writes. First of all, become a person who likes writing. Nobody writes well at first. 

About the Author

Lee Dahye

Lee Dahye (F) has been a journalist at Cine 21 since 2000. She started to write because she liked writing. She started out as an editing reporter, then worked as a news reporter and is currently an editor. She learned how to write by reading other people's works and editing and requesting rewrites.

She has also written A Good Day for Reading; A Bigger Confusion Began as I Became an Adult; Any Where, If Not Here; and Anyways, A Thriller. She has written for over 50 publications on movies and books and appeared on more than 30 radio programs. She currently appears on the podcast Lee Dongjin's Red Book Cafe


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