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The Skirt That Spreads to the End of the World
: (Russian) Юбка, простирающаяся до конца света


Myung, Soojung




Picture Books


3~5 years old
6~8 years old

Overseas Licensing

France, China


  • #girl's dreams
  • #limitation
  • #feminist picture book
  • #2019 Gothenburg Book Fair
  • #Indonesia online Consultation
  • #Korean Picture Books Recognized by the World

Copyright Contact

Oh Seunghyun

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    226 * 308

This book is about a girl who asks "Does this skirt spread to the end of the world" and takes a journey of finding the answer with texts and their matching illustrations.

Book Intro

(Russian) Юбка, простирающаяся до конца света

"Если одеть юбку, сможет ли она покрыть всю землю?" - думает маленькая девочка. Она спрашивает тоже самое у цветов и листьев: "А твоя юбка может достичь краев света?" Каждый полученный девочкой ответ поэтичен, похож на стихотворение и выражает мечту жизни каждого существа. Все эти истории включают в себя образ женщин, которые прожили красивой наполненной смыслом жизнью. И это становится второй стороной ответа на вопрос девочки. Это великолепная иллюстрированная книга о путешествии девочки, которая преодолевает своей силой воли все ограничения, заключающиеся в юбке.


(Indonesian) Rok yang terbentang sampai ujung dunia

Buku ini memperlihatkan proses dari seorang anak perempuan yang mencari jawaban atas pertanyaannya sendiri, ia penasaran apakah rok yang ia pakai bisa terbentang sampai ujung dunia. Cerita ini lebih menarik karena percakapan di alam, diekspresikan dengan tulisan sedangkan percakapan dengan para perempuan diekspresikan dengan gambar.


(English) The Skirt That Spreads to the End of the World

A girl asks to wear a skirt. “Does this skirt spread to the end of the world?” The girl enters to nature to find answers and asks her nature friends sitting on skirt-shaped trees, flowers or so on. "Does your skirt spread to the end of the world?" Nobody answers "Yes." They depict the dreams,   limitations of their lives like a poem. The girl can also see pictures of heroines who have happily and wonderfully lived their lives in stories on their skirts. She tries to find her way with conversation and images that she has faced. Finally, the girl can draw her own beautiful skirt that   spreads to the end of the world.

About the Author

Myung, Soojung

Myung Soojung (F) studied painting at Ewha Woman's University. While studying, she thought she would like to share all forms of art, including music, with all the people around the world.

Myung spent time and effort interviewing deaf people to learn how they understand music, which led to the creation of the picture book I Like Music for My Eyes. She wrote the book with the hope that everybody in the world could overcome their physical limitations and dance to music. The book won the Main Prize at the first Lotte Published Literature Awards. She remembers all of the small and insignificant moments in life and makes picture books about them, delivering clear messages and creating her own world of artwork.




Selected book Publishing and Reading Network, 2019, Picture Book of the Month

(Russian) 2020 г. - выбранная книга "Движением утреннего чтения"

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