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The Rhino who Swallowed the Moon


Kim Se-jin


kidari publishing


Picture Books


6~8 years old
Young Adult

Overseas Licensing


  • #maternal love
  • #parents
  • #children
  • #rhino
  • #picture book
  • #2019 China Shanghai International Children's Book Fair
  • #Japan Online Consultation
  • #2020 Visiting Japan
  • #Visiting Korean Book Fair 2021 France&Belgium

Copyright Contact

Wee Jeong Eun

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    210 * 300

The book tells the poignant story of a mother who has lost her child.

Book Intro

(French) Rhinocéros qui a avalé la lune

L’ouvrage décrit les sentiments d'une mère rhinocéros qui a perdu son bébé rhinocéros dans un accident imprévu dans les images brutes et vives . La mère rhinocéros dans le chagrin et la perte a avalé la lune avec colère. Après une période d'obscurité et de désespoir, elle accouche et la lune revient à sa place d'origine, mais son bébé la manque toujours. Cet album espère consoler la douleur des parents qui avaient perdu leur  bébé. 


(Japanese) 月を飲み込んだサイ

突然の事故でサイの赤ちゃんを亡くした母親のサイの感情を、荒々しく強烈な絵で表現した作品だ。 悲しみと喪失感に包まれた母親のサイは怒り、月を飲み込んでしまう。 闇と絶望の時間を経て、母親のサイは再び赤ちゃんを産んで月は元の位置に戻るが、恋しさは相変わらずだ。 著者はこの本で世界の子供をはじめとするすべての人々を少しでも慰めることができることを願っている.


(English) The Rhino who Swallowed the Moon

A mother rhino watches her baby rhino romp around the grasslands and feels happy. One day, rain falls on the grasslands. The rain becomes heavy, and her baby rhino, who has been playing in the river, gets swept away. The mother rhino searches all over to find her baby, but she is unable to find her baby. Once the rain stops, she notices her baby floating on the surface of the river and jumps in.

But as soon as she plunges into the river, her baby disappears. After a while, she realizes that what she saw was not her baby but the shape of moonlight. Angry at the heartless moon, she runs to the top of a hill, jumps up to the sky, and swallows the moon. All at once, the grasslands are surrounded by darkness and silence, and time flies while the mother rhino is missing her baby.

After swallowing the moon, the mother rhino becomes pregnant and, after a while, gives birth. Then, the moon begins to shine on the grasslands again. The mother rhino gazes at the moon as though her baby rhino inside the moon is talking to her. "I'm fine. I love you, mom."

About the Author

Kim Se-jin

(French) Elle aime les livres illustrés car ils contiennent le monde imaginaire.  Elle a reçu le prix « gobelin en or » dans la catégorie livre d'images au 19e concours Biryongso. Elle a publié ses livres jeunesse créatifs tels que Prends soin des agneaux, Rhinocéros qui a avalé la lune, et Salut, Miaou, et illustré des livres tels que 『Fille à coudre』, 『Gobelin tombant amoureux』, 『Quel animal pourrait être mon ami ??』 , 『Il y a ...』, 『Le tigre dit que je suis bon』, etc.


(Japanese) 大学で応用美術を勉強して絵本作家として活動しています。 「韓国出版美術協会とジャガイモの花(カムジャコッ)の会員として数回グループ展示会に参加しました。 文字を書いて描いた初の絵本『羊たちをお願い』で第19回飛龍沼黄金鬼賞を受賞しました。


(English) "I think picture books show an imaginary world. Even the shepherd boy who lied about the appearance of a wolf could go into the woods alone and catch a wolf. But he needed courage. I am preparing a picture book with the same mind." the author said. She won the Golden Goblin Award in the picture book category at the 19th Biryongso Competition.

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