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Reading Method Suitable for Me
: Reading Method Different for Every Person


Jeong Kyoungsoo




Humanities & Society


Young Adult

Overseas Licensing


  • #Reading
  • #Reading method
  • #Literacy
  • #Recommended books
  • #Slow reading
  • #Philosopher’s reading method
  • #Reading habit
  • #Fast reading
  • #Extensive reading
  • #Copying

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Jeong Dohwan

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In the era of endless information, this book tells us that we must develop our own reading methods to process the necessary information quickly and turn it into knowledge.

Book Intro

This book explains the reason, purpose, and process of developing one's own reading method.

There are many cases of students improving their grades or employees finding more success at work by reading. Some people have even experienced the healing impact of reading.

In the age of internet and smartphones, reading has become more crucial than ever.

While reading was a hobby or a cultured activity in the past, books are now an important source of information that enhances one's work capacity, studies, and social activities. Reading now has a wide range of functions. The purpose of reading lies in generating new knowledge and information. Reading is not just limited to books but has been expanded to other forms of media. In the age of the internet and smartphones, it takes a strong driving force to engage in reading activities.

It is possible to search for and obtain virtually every bit of information on the internet, and the materials we want are only a few clicks away. However, to find information in a book, we must flip through its pages for a while. Although the internet seems to have more advantages for information seekers, many people still turn to books for information. For people who read books to find information and gain knowledge, books signify a system of information.

Reading methods also are important for when we look up information on the internet. To find what you need in the sea of information, you need a tool. Just like in real life you'd use a fishnet to catch fish, you need a systematic tool to get what you need in the sea of information contained in books. The shapes of fish nets vary depending on the types of fish. In the same way, different reading methods are used for different information.

Ironically, to find the right information on the internet, we must begin by reading books. After reading books and turning systemized information into knowledge, we can look up on the internet the latest information not explained in books.

Therefore, we must learn effective reading processes to obtain the information we need quickly and gain wisdom.

About the Author

Jeong Kyoungsoo

as a journalist and planner, Jeong Kyoungsoo has worked in IT and business media for 20 years. Currently developing business and self-development contents and related educational courses for managers and office workers, Jeong has also been writing newsletters, history papers, and webzines for major companies. By analyzing materials and markets related to running and managing online shopping malls, Jeong helps entrepreneurs run their business from a financial perspective. Books Jeong has written include Management for Internet Shopping Mall, Come up with an Answer in Meetings, Minimum Principles of Planning, and Making a Smart Brain.

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