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I Don't Care


Hong Suyoung (Okay Tina)




Picture Books


3~5 years old

Overseas Licensing


  • #Individuality
  • #hair
  • #respect
  • #stereotype
  • #self-esteem

Copyright Contact

Irene Lee

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    185 * 236

A picture book filled with the delightful imagination of a child who wants to keep his individuality.

Book Intro

I Don't Care


Born with long hair, the boy has always liked it because when he ties it up, it looks like the horns of a Triceratops. But, whenever he goes outside with his cool hairstyle, everybody judges him. “Oh, that hair is too long for a boy,” says the apartment guard. “Why would a boy tie his hair up like that? asks a kid who lives in the same building. Just because he has long hair, people say he’s not like a boy, or they mistake him for a girl. 


However, such stereotypes do not dampen the boy's spirit or hurt him. Instead, he begins to imagine fun things that can’t be done without long hair. He could cover everyone with his hair and give them warmth; he could braid his hair and use it as a fishing line; and then, he could dive into the sea and travel far away ... What other fun adventures await him? 

About the Author

Hong Suyoung (Okay Tina)

(English) Whether his hair is long or short, I love my child for who he is. Jay prefers to get his hair cut by his mom than by a hairdresser. And he wants his hair blue. 

I am a professional illustrator, working under the penname OkayTina. Works that I both wrote and illustrated include To All Mismatched Socks in the World; I’m Really Going to Sleep Alone; Tina’s Socks; Tina and Cloud Candy; and Aha! Discovery and Empathy in Action: Seeing Through New Eyes!, a pictorial guide for the Children’s Museum at the National Museum of Korea. I also illustrated The Perfect Day to Write in My Diary; I’m Off to School; and A Picturesque Day. My pictures have been published to France, Japan, Taiwan, and Italy. 


(French) « Chaussettes de Tina » est le premier livre de l’auteure Hong Su-Young, présenté à la Foire du livre pour les enfants de Bolonge 2015. Il a fait connaître l’auteure aux nombreuses maisons d’édition du monde (la France, les États-Unis, l’Espagne, le Mexique, etc) grâce à ses belles phrases et le personnage intéressant.

Dans « Cette nuit, je vais vraiment dormir toute seule », vous pouvez également facilement trouver un personnage unique et des belles descriptions. 


(Japanese) 文/絵作家ホン・スヨンは、2015年ボローニャ国際児童図書展に出品した作家の初作品『ティナのくつした』で、韓国国内はもちろんフランス、アメリカ、スペイン、メキシコなど様々な海外出版社でも、しっかりしたキャラクター設定と表現力で認められた作家です。

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