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A Round of Tightrope Walking






Picture Books


6~8 years old

Overseas Licensing


  • #traditional culture
  • #Korean traditional culture
  • #funambulism
  • #tightrope walking
  • #synesthesia picture book

Copyright Contact

Oh Seunghyun

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    165 * 280

A Picture book that depicts our tightrope walking through synaesthesia.

Book Intro

A Picture book that depicts our tightrope walking through synaesthesia.

Korean tightrope walking, which is listed as a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage, is regarded as a comprehensive art, beyond just showing acrobatic talent like tightrope walking in other countries, but through the jokes and interactions between the tightrope walkers and the clowns, and the performance of Six Samhyeon Instruments. ‘A round of tightrope walking’ captures these characteristics of our tightrope walking in a picture book whilst taking into the modern scene. Each page is threaded, so the readers can experience the feel of the tightrope with each turn of the page. The book contains the performances of Master tightrope walkers like Kim Dae-kyun in the contents of the book through a QR code. Readers can enjoy walking the tightrope by turning the pages along with the jokes throughout the performance.

About the Author


(English) I love living a slow, quiet life within laziness, recording the experiences in my daily life by drawing. I want to explore the shapes that form as dots, lines, and faces meet, and draw pictures that make people want to see them again. Expressing my own various visual languages within a physical vessel of the picture book, I hope my picture books can become a small shelter for someone. I have previously authored the book 『Diving』.


Selected as The BRAW Amazing Bookshelf at 2023 Bologna Children's Book Fair

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