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A Scab, The Natural Band-Aid


Lee Suyeon



KizM Education Group


Picture Books


Overseas Licensing


  • #2023 Visiting Korean Book Fair-Thailand
  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    221 * 257

Book Intro

(English) A Scab, The Natural Band-Aid

One day, Jun-sung fell down and cut his knee, so his mother put some ointment on it to make the pain go away. After some time, a scab formed in the wound spot. The scab was brave and responsible, protecting the new skin that formed while the wound was healing. One day, a very scary enemy appeared before the scab. It was an itch. Can the scab overcome the itch's attack and keep the new skin safe? This book not only talks about safety and health, but also delivers the message that after overcoming difficulties, new strength and courage can be gained.

About the Author

Lee Suyeon

(French) Elle écrit les histoires qu’elle veux garder dans son tiroir. Elle espère que ses histoires deviennent les livres agréables qui vous font rire en les lisant de temps en temps.


Skye (F) studied Visual Design and has worked as a UI designer. She writes and draws pictures in Chuncheon. Books Skky has written and illustrated include Subtly Thrilled.

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