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The AI Has No Answer


Lee Suyeon

Kim So-ra


KizM Education Group


Picture Books


6~8 years old

Overseas Licensing


  • #2023 Visiting Korean Book Fair-Thailand
  • #2023 Visiting Korean Book Fair-France
  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    190 * 260

Book Intro

The AI Has No Answer


Kim, the chairman, is an incredibly wealthy man whose home is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities that can be operated with the flick of a finger, and Harry, an AI robot, always serves as his perfect secretary. As Harry handles everything flawlessly, Kim begins to doubt human abilities more and more, eventually firing all his employees and replacing them with robots. One day, however, a fire breaks out in a massive telecommunications building, causing all electronic devices to shut down... What happened to Kim on that day? This book makes readers contemplate the role of humans that cannot be replaced by AI in today's AI era.

About the Author

Lee Suyeon

(French) Elle écrit les histoires qu’elle veux garder dans son tiroir. Elle espère que ses histoires deviennent les livres agréables qui vous font rire en les lisant de temps en temps.

Kim So-ra

(English) I learned about picture books in graduate school, and I want to draw pictures without getting tired for a long time. I hope that the pictures I drew will be made into books and remain meaningful." she said.


(Russian) Художник: научился рисовать книжки с картинками в аспирантуре. Хочется рисовать рисунки для книг, которые останутся значимыми. Рисовал несколько книг, включая 'Видите ли, Мистер Кто'.

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